
Hi there, I'm Kitty. I had my diagnosis a while ago but only just sinking in. I'm not really getting used to it and I find it hard sometimes. I don't really like being autistic. I have a lot of other problems that seem to match it and they make life with autism difficult. Most of the time I'm playing toys and enjoying a fun movie but a lot of the time I'm in agonising pain and it's all getting a bit much. Constant anxiety. And constant tension headaches. Uggh. 

But, I try to be positive. That's one of the reasons I decided to join so I could meet more like me and hopefully find a place where I really belong and can be me. I'm always having to mask at home which is tiring and induces the anxiety.

  • Hi Kitty,

    welcome! sorry that you are finding your diagnosis hard. it hasn't changed who you are, you are still the same person, just now you know why you struggle with certain things and if you let others know about your daignosis then they will understand too (totally up to you, who you tell).

    what movies do you like? try not to mask at home, that can't be helping you. 

    Alisha xx

    P.S. send me a private message if you ever want to chat xx

  • Hi Kitty,

    welcome! sorry that you are finding your diagnosis hard. it hasn't changed who you are, you are still the same person, just now you know why you struggle with certain things and if you let others know about your daignosis then they will understand too (totally up to you, who you tell).

    what movies do you like? try not to mask at home, that can't be helping you. 

    Alisha xx

    P.S. send me a private message if you ever want to chat xx

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