
I'm 41 years old, I've spent most of my life living in my own imagination because I was bullied regularly from a very young age. Had a job in my twenties but decided to quit because I wanted to spend more time thinking (in hindsight, not a clever move). I enjoy solitude but lately I find myself feeling unloved. If I'm able to find a way to stop procrastinating and learn the social skills I should have learned as a teenager, I hope someday to find someone to cuddle up on the sofa with.

Recently I've gotten a support worker who has encouraged me to go to the support groups run by the organization she works for and this has helped me to come out from under my shell a little bit, so I've decided to create an account here in hopes of finding other people who might understand me and maybe even make a few friends.

  • Games People Play by Eric Berne. "Transactional analysis" is the name given to this particular way of doing psychology.

    It didn't solve all my people problems, but it did get me well on the way, and made my early life tolerable when it had already become intolerable..

  • I know how to code,, in few ancient languages, and I understand any programming language, among modern I learnt only syntax in visual basic, to write macros for myself, and a start java, but I don't push mysel;f, because it's the same problem as with human languages

    20 years of not using and language vocabulary evaporates from my head

    after granpas died, I cried out oceans, they're completely dry now,

    while my family had experienced great turmoil and division who gets how much, fields, and cattle sold, only house left

    and than true dark ages of my life begun ;/

  • Just wondering which author and book this 'his' refers to: apologies if it's hiding in plain sight, I often miss the wood for the trees even when I try hard not to.

  • 30 cats! bloody hell that's a lot of cats to take care of! I could barely manage 2.

    It's never too late to learn how to code, there's loads of resources out there for free these days, all the tools can be had for free, plus tutorials, forums, online courses, etc...

    I like growing stuff, my mum used to send me to my grandads allotment every now and again but I never really learned much from him, I keep thinking about getting back into it, but can never seem to find time.

    Must have been very difficult time for your family after your granpa passed. I'm sorry to hear that.

  • my first  7 years  sorrounded by 30 cats, and every stray or neighbour's cat ever since Stuck out tongue

    I know how to speak 'cat' language innately you could say

    me too, | would love to get a start as programmer, or just anything that requires brain

    but my granpa groomed me become his succesor on a farm so I know a lot about animals and growing stuff

    he died when I was 11, no will, you can imagine what can happen with to many my mom's sibilings

  • How long have you been practicing as a cat specialist?

    I'm a computer programmer (not professionally, but maybe someday) because I have trouble figuring out lifeforms in general, too much unpredictability for me to make sense of :)

  • We think alike about our homes, my home is my fortress of solitude. I especially love it at winter time, baton the hatches, put the fire on, make a brew, put my feet up and read a book. So peaceful and calming. 

  • I'm thinking of doing odd jobs for people with autism/mental health issues, don't quite have the confidence to pull it off yet, but I'd like to pay forward the kindness I've been shown since I started seeking help. How large of an area do you cover when you pick litter?

  • I'm a cat specialist :D, and one of my friends is dog specialist

    and together we're trying to figure out how to help him become even better dad and he is amazing at it already 

    I used to be kids specialist too, but I don't practise anymore (nobody likes old nannys :P)

    but grownups that's a massive bold question mark to me

  • Ditto lovely. Don't like being out me, too crowded and too loud. Home is my palace of peace.

  • Hello,

    sadly, I am kept busy litter picking as there is always litter but I do enjoy making a difference. I too, do not like being the center of attention and avoid it if possible.  

  • I think it’s great that you’ve managed support groups- I’ve never managed to take the plunge myself. 

    Im glad you’re finding this place to be useful too- I can certainly agree with what you said. The relief is wonderful.

    Anyway, enjoy the community!

  • Thanks Coffee Guy, It was only 6 months ago that I first got a support worker and 3 months since I started doing support groups, that brought me out of my shell enough to post here. I feel welcomed like I never have before, anywhere, ever. It's cathartic to be able to have a place where I can get this stuff off my chest, finally! 

  • Thanks Martin, I'm already finding the site supportive. I'm coming across many posts where I find myself thinking 'Yep, that's me', and some of them have ANSWERS!!! Smiley

  • Hello and welcome. I hope you find this place to be as helpful and welcoming as I do.

    I can relate to the desire to find people who understand, that was one of my main factors for joining too.

    In my opinion, people here ‘get it’ and whilst conversations will happen and questions will be asked/answered, you wont be expected to justify things here like we often feel we have to in the outside world. At least in my opinion anyway. 

    It’ll be great to see you around in the various posts on this forum- all the best.

  • Welcome! Please don't beat yourself up about what you think you should have done or learned as a teenager, it's never too late to begin to understand yourself more. I'm sure you'll find this site very supportive, I know I do.

  • Hi Emmy, the peace and quiet is wonderful indeed. Whenever I'm out and about I can't wait to get back to it.

  • Hi Lucy, thanks for the welcome. I never imagined there would be a need for litter pickers on a moor, but I guess people don't respect the outdoors anymore than they do towns and cities. One of the support groups I go to meets up for a coffee every week. I just stare at the floor and listen to the conversation cause I hate being the centre of attention. 

  • Just watched a couple of episodes, my cat doesn't have problems that severe, but that's an interesting watch, thanks for putting me on to it.

  • Ok, I thought I was frugal, clearly I have some things t' learn about that.