
I'm 41 years old, I've spent most of my life living in my own imagination because I was bullied regularly from a very young age. Had a job in my twenties but decided to quit because I wanted to spend more time thinking (in hindsight, not a clever move). I enjoy solitude but lately I find myself feeling unloved. If I'm able to find a way to stop procrastinating and learn the social skills I should have learned as a teenager, I hope someday to find someone to cuddle up on the sofa with.

Recently I've gotten a support worker who has encouraged me to go to the support groups run by the organization she works for and this has helped me to come out from under my shell a little bit, so I've decided to create an account here in hopes of finding other people who might understand me and maybe even make a few friends.

  • Hello and welcome. I hope you find this place to be as helpful and welcoming as I do.

    I can relate to the desire to find people who understand, that was one of my main factors for joining too.

    In my opinion, people here ‘get it’ and whilst conversations will happen and questions will be asked/answered, you wont be expected to justify things here like we often feel we have to in the outside world. At least in my opinion anyway. 

    It’ll be great to see you around in the various posts on this forum- all the best.

  • Thanks Coffee Guy, It was only 6 months ago that I first got a support worker and 3 months since I started doing support groups, that brought me out of my shell enough to post here. I feel welcomed like I never have before, anywhere, ever. It's cathartic to be able to have a place where I can get this stuff off my chest, finally! 

  • Thanks Coffee Guy, It was only 6 months ago that I first got a support worker and 3 months since I started doing support groups, that brought me out of my shell enough to post here. I feel welcomed like I never have before, anywhere, ever. It's cathartic to be able to have a place where I can get this stuff off my chest, finally! 

  • I think it’s great that you’ve managed support groups- I’ve never managed to take the plunge myself. 

    Im glad you’re finding this place to be useful too- I can certainly agree with what you said. The relief is wonderful.

    Anyway, enjoy the community!