yo what is wrong with this site???

a mod just blocked my discussion on wanting to make a friend on this site, i can't even be accepted here. 

This is just 1 of them annoying sites and they think they're better than me and can do what they want cause they got the higher power.

I DIDN'T even say anything bad all i said was that i wanted to make a new friend.

Am i the only 1 that has a problem with this site????

  • There are rules involved in forum membership and posts, especially somewhere like this that will likely have vulnerable members. They usually delete personal details and contact details from posts for your own protection 

  • yeah but it's annoying.

    I got autism like the rest of u so i should be treated fairly.

    I don't wanna hear another word about rules cause it's stupid, just came on here to communicate with people that understand autism but this site is like the rest. I just got someone messaging me saying that there daughter could be friends with me, I said *oh sure* and got no response. This site gives me weird vibes.

    this site is too sensitive i might as well continue using discord at least my online friends on there accept me. not like we r close we can ghost each other any day but it's better than nothing.

  • KYS, ya got Autism, EVERYTHING is annoying!! It kinda comes with the territory..

    Now, you know how you'd like to make a friend? May I try and help you by giving you some information?

    Here, you got access to a load of people like you of ALL ages, but the bad news is there are a lot of old farts like me, and not many youngsters. And of course, because some adults cannot behave like well adjusted sane human beings, there HAVE to be some rules like not giving any personal details away.

    To be honest young KYS, I think this site might offer slim pickings for finding young friends quickly, BUT it might still provide you with a couple of things you might consider, before you up sticks and leave.

    1. The site can be instructive, you can learn from the older people and get ahead of some things.

    2. You can see how it is for other people. Sometimes they are silly and make you feel better about how you are, sometimes they are awesome and make me want to be a bit more like them. 

    But yeah, discord is where the more "hip" and younger people seem to hang out.

    Try asking a "young person" type question maybe, and see if you get any takers?

    A golden rule that works really well if you want to survive & thrive here, is "Treat the other people how you'd like to be treated". If you like to be treated "nicely" here, then be nice. That does seem to work really well with us Autistic types.

    I know it's hard to be nice when our lives are so damn annoying, and as we all know "faking it" doesn't work very well with us, unlike with the normies, so it's kinda like a ninja skill. On my best days I can be really genuinely "nice" to the most horrible people, and occasionally they actually stop being horrible, but mostly, I end up just doing it for the practice and to constantly up my skills in that area.

    'Hope that helps you out a bit... 

  • i run out of time to write more before work Stuck out tongue

    A: my english now is better than my polish ever was

    B: learning new language is easy, my problem is, that it's not natural to me to use words, so I quickly forget vocabularies, first to go are names, in 20 years I can forget a language I used to speak on average level almost completely because I stopped to practise in my head (german and russian, slovak is almost gone too except basic stuff), and vocabularies dissapeared, plus burnout did really bad random shredding in all vocabularies, like randomly few pages of every book without telling what was it, and I find out about when I need it

    C; I remember processes and structures I just do not posses words to express it to other people, e.g. I learnt to weld in Slovakia, and I ever possesed vocabulary about it in Slovak, it's all gone, I wouldn't be able to say a basic sentense about welding now, but I remember everything every single step and why this or that or why that way. 

    D; my mother tongue is pictures and diagrams, imbued with equations from adolescence when I learnt math

    E; I do practise thinking in english almost all the time, to avoid losing vocabularies

    F; practise doesn't work for names, and it takes me on average a month to learn a name of a new workmate

    G: you were right about one thing, my poetry is expression of my current state/feelings, to present autistic way of viewing things. I used to write ridicules about teachers when I was 15-16 y.o, and love poems to my ex, at the begginingof opur relatiionship 13 years ago

    H: it requires a genius to imitate an AI Stuck out tongue

  • Polish isn't my mother tongue either

  • Nah, your poem was best,.

    A. It ain't your mother tongue, (Kudos!) so I had the home advantage, and:

    B. I was just following where you lead for the fun of it.. (Plus I dropped a rhyme at the end, and couldn't fix it!)

    In all honesty, I feel that yours was a genuine poem expressing something real, and mine was more an assembly of words like an AI might produce, with a tiny bit of my version of "gentle humour" added. 

    And here I guess is a good point to insert an appropriate song from an Australian rock band... 


  • does that mean it's your good day? so many extra long posts, and very nice poem, you should be teaching how to write poetry Smiley Seriously man, if you made it on a spot. It's not sarcasm, i'm for real. and I'm not sure how to indicate sarcasm in writing without saying it is or it isn't btw so I rather state it I'm kinda of hyped too, temperature dropped, ADHD stopped being in control, and I feel great

  • does that mean it's your good day? so many extra long posts, and very nice poem, you should be teaching how to write poetry Smiley Seriously man, if you made it on a spot. It's not sarcasm, i'm for real. and I'm not sure how to indicate sarcasm in writing without saying it is or it isn't btw so I rather state it I'm kinda of hyped too, temperature dropped, ADHD stopped being in control, and I feel great

  • i run out of time to write more before work Stuck out tongue

    A: my english now is better than my polish ever was

    B: learning new language is easy, my problem is, that it's not natural to me to use words, so I quickly forget vocabularies, first to go are names, in 20 years I can forget a language I used to speak on average level almost completely because I stopped to practise in my head (german and russian, slovak is almost gone too except basic stuff), and vocabularies dissapeared, plus burnout did really bad random shredding in all vocabularies, like randomly few pages of every book without telling what was it, and I find out about when I need it

    C; I remember processes and structures I just do not posses words to express it to other people, e.g. I learnt to weld in Slovakia, and I ever possesed vocabulary about it in Slovak, it's all gone, I wouldn't be able to say a basic sentense about welding now, but I remember everything every single step and why this or that or why that way. 

    D; my mother tongue is pictures and diagrams, imbued with equations from adolescence when I learnt math

    E; I do practise thinking in english almost all the time, to avoid losing vocabularies

    F; practise doesn't work for names, and it takes me on average a month to learn a name of a new workmate

    G: you were right about one thing, my poetry is expression of my current state/feelings, to present autistic way of viewing things. I used to write ridicules about teachers when I was 15-16 y.o, and love poems to my ex, at the begginingof opur relatiionship 13 years ago

    H: it requires a genius to imitate an AI Stuck out tongue

  • Polish isn't my mother tongue either

  • Nah, your poem was best,.

    A. It ain't your mother tongue, (Kudos!) so I had the home advantage, and:

    B. I was just following where you lead for the fun of it.. (Plus I dropped a rhyme at the end, and couldn't fix it!)

    In all honesty, I feel that yours was a genuine poem expressing something real, and mine was more an assembly of words like an AI might produce, with a tiny bit of my version of "gentle humour" added. 

    And here I guess is a good point to insert an appropriate song from an Australian rock band... 
