
I got diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome yesterday after doing the AQ10 at the psychiatrist's office. I'm now on the waiting list to get an official diagnosis.

I'm Elaine and 26 years old. Studying at university in Scotland part-time as a BSc (Hons) Geology and Physics student. I've just finished my first year of fourth year but missed the second semester exams due to Covid. So I'm on a gap year so I can do the exams in Dec 2022 and June 2023 before moving onto the 2nd year of 4th year. University has been a bumpy ride with anxiety causing six months of dizziness in 2016, having my first episode of psychosis in 2018-2019 and now an autism diagnosis in 2022. Since 2nd year university, I've always had to take a gap year to sort out stuff with my health. 

My special interests used to be Pokemon cards, collected 4,000 of them from ages 10-12, piano - practiced 4-6 hours on each week day and 8 hours on a Saturday, 8 hours on a Sunday - from ages 11 - 17. Then spent 10-12 hours everyday studying for university from ages 18-21 which led to the downfall of my mental health. I'm better now and have a good work-life balance. Currently waiting on part-time job applications to get accepted. I'm wanting to develop a new special interest again but maybe not make it as intense. If anyone has any recommendations on what an Aspie could get into it would be good! I feel like mathematics or physics would be good - being a maths genius would be interesting to me - but I would like to pursue it with freedom and in a less set standard academic way. That was the way I explored music, I played whatever difficult piano pieces I liked from YouTube and really flourished. When the time came, I didn't pick it as a degree because I refused to be stuck with a syllabus on something I liked so naturally.

I've always had social difficulties growing up and still do, so I'm waiting on the National Health Service to provide support once I get the official diagnosis.

If anyone wants to send me a friend invite on here it would be good. If you relate to anything I said, please chip in.

  • Hiya,

    Welcome. what part-time jobs have you applied for? i currently work in a library but am looking for more work as life is expensive. do you like university? i know it's a bit of a strange question but i start next September and i have no clue what to expect and how to choose universities because there is loads.

    Alisha xx

  • I've applied for lab technician jobs. Yes, I like university, I like the freedom where I can create my own routine. Just choose what you're passionate about - perhaps a field where you have a special interest. The university - choose one that has a good name and is at a good position on the league tables. I knew I wanted to do something with Physics and Geology since I was 16, when I was 5 I wanted to be an astronaut so I was already made out to be on the science path. Alternatively, I could have studied music instead at a conservatoire but my dream to become a concert pianist was quite late - at 11 years old - plus social anxiety meant I wasn't cut out for performing - even though I could do it, I didn't like the nervous feeling.

  • I know that i am definitely going to do psychology, i love it. it's just the place that worries me slightly. i have been to many open days and am slowly deciding on which one is right for me

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