
Hello all,

I'm PJ.  I'm 38 and just now in my life getting to the understanding that I may be Autistic.  I'm going through the process of being assessed via my university.  It's a tough time for me right now thinking that this could be the answer to a lot of the struggles I've had in life, socially and otherwise.

I just wanted to say hello and see how this forum could help me understand myself more too.

  • Hi PJ. Welcome to the forum, and I hope you soon get answers that help you make even more sense of things. Are you a student then, or employed by the university? Don’t  feel you have to answer that, it jist made me wonder. Either way, great that they’re helping. 

  • Hi PJ. Welcome to the forum, and I hope you soon get answers that help you make even more sense of things. Are you a student then, or employed by the university? Don’t  feel you have to answer that, it jist made me wonder. Either way, great that they’re helping. 

  • I am a student yes, I have just finished my first year and it was a struggle.  It wasn't the work as such, although I did struggle with concentration in busy lecture theatres and labs, but the sheer amount of people and noise was overwhelming.  The uni has been great, I asked if I could be assessed and they sent me loads of things to fill in almost immediately and have put me on a waiting list for a pre assessment.