Introducing myself

Hi all,

I'm not yet diagnosed but having learned a lot about autism through speaking with people about my son's potential diagnosis, I'm now 99% sure that I'm autistic. I've also scored highly (as in-likely to have) in online tests for ADHD and Auditory Processing Disorder.

I'm in my 40s and doing my best to not think about how different things could have been for me if I'd been diagnosed as a young child!

I have serious difficulties at work and I'm somewhat desperate to get a diagnosis so that my employer might make some concessions instead of constantly making life harder through cost-cutting etc. I'm keen to chat to others about their experiences (it would be great to find some real-life friends whose brains work similarly but this platform isn't the place to do that!).

I'm a musician/songwriter (although I'm usually very embarrassed about my songs but here is one which some of you might be able to relate to: and here is a playlist of some of my others:, I'm a socialist and my main other special interest is Star Wars!

I look forward to discussions on here.

  • Hello, thank you for sharing your song, I listened to it this morning and it made me cry in a big snotty way, which I think is a good thing! I could especially relate to the line "all I want to do is sit in a darkened room and hide away..."

    I am 40 and not diagnosed yet but waiting to be assessed. I have experienced life as being extremely difficult in many ways and have never managed to successfully function at all.  For long periods I did not function at all.

    I never introduced myself to the forum as I do not do "introducing myself" very well, but it has been quite cathartic just reading posts (and replying to them) and discovering that there are others who I can relate to and whose brains work similarly, as you say, to mine.

  • Hello, thank you for sharing your song, I listened to it this morning and it made me cry in a big snotty way, which I think is a good thing! I could especially relate to the line "all I want to do is sit in a darkened room and hide away..."

    I am 40 and not diagnosed yet but waiting to be assessed. I have experienced life as being extremely difficult in many ways and have never managed to successfully function at all.  For long periods I did not function at all.

    I never introduced myself to the forum as I do not do "introducing myself" very well, but it has been quite cathartic just reading posts (and replying to them) and discovering that there are others who I can relate to and whose brains work similarly, as you say, to mine.

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