Does anybody want to connect?

Hi all, 

I am 23, diagnosed with ADHD and on the very long NHS waitlist for an autism diagnosis. I am at the point where I am pretty much self diagnosing as I am trying to get to a place of acceptance and peace with it all and I do not see how I would not get a diagnosis. 

I have been feeling very lonely and isolated and don't feel I have any friends that understand me. I feel very socially isolated.

I wondered whether anybody either wanted to be friends or had any suggestions good places I could go to find autistic friends. 

I am massively interested in the theory of acting but also art and the creative process in general. I like filmmaking also, apex and going to the gym. 

Sorry if this is not the correct place to post this I am new to this site.


  • Hello Elliot. Welcome to the forum, your autistic community. I hope you feel like you belong here.

     I am sure many autistic people on this forum would be happy to become friends with you. What kind of art do you like?

    Have you heard of Aucademy? Aucademy is a education platform and YouTube channel where autistic people educate about autistic experience. Aucademy also run many different social groups on Facebook purely for autistic people.

    You might find these links useful:

    Also the NAS run many different online branches, one of which is specifically based around art:

    Also have you heard of The Art of Autism? This might interest you:

    I hope you find your own autistic tribe.

  • If you look for reasons to always to start arguments everyone [removed by mod] you off lack of tolerance for people and understanding contrervasal and can't find you can camunicate will with people cause what ever you say pisses them off or offends them then your most definitely ADHD I felt like that for ages dude until I did more research and understood why I am the way I am. People on this site are nice enough you get the odd few [removed by mod] who don't get ADHD but the majority are nice enough oh and if your strongly opniated and stubborn as *** then you probably are too. But hope it goes well for you and you get the results you want