Hello everyone

Hello!  Today, I was finally diagnosed after a pretty confusing life (I’m in my 40s now).  I work in software engineering, really love listening to music (and audio equipment) and have the best dog, who looks after me when I need it :-)  I hope to get to know many of you over time and hope I can be a friend to some.

  • Hi, and welcome.  Congrats on the diagnosis, and don't worry, you might gradually unconfuse now and become more aware of yourself.  You were stuck in a loop trying to get your ND application interface to correctly work with the older and more restrictive NT ones, it rarely goes well: stress++, anxiety++, coping--.  You need ND to ND data flow to help you unencrypt and repackage   Slight smile

    What auto equipment is that?  After leaving college I built a few bits of audio kit for home music, including an 8 channel mixer (very basic but worked).

    Sounds like a great dog, where can I get one? 

    while (!notWithNeurotypicals) {
    Slight smile

    (those not familiar with programming can ignore that last bit)

  • Hi, and welcome.  Congrats on the diagnosis, and don't worry, you might gradually unconfuse now and become more aware of yourself.  You were stuck in a loop trying to get your ND application interface to correctly work with the older and more restrictive NT ones, it rarely goes well: stress++, anxiety++, coping--.  You need ND to ND data flow to help you unencrypt and repackage   Slight smile

    What auto equipment is that?  After leaving college I built a few bits of audio kit for home music, including an 8 channel mixer (very basic but worked).

    Sounds like a great dog, where can I get one? 

    while (!notWithNeurotypicals) {
    Slight smile

    (those not familiar with programming can ignore that last bit)

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