Hello, I'm new here

Hi everyone. I was diagnosed in November '21 at the age of fifty. I've a twenty-year history of being treated for anxiety and depression, and both my Sons are diagnosed with ASC. I'm currently enrolled in my local health board's post-diagnostic awareness course for people on the spectrum, but I'm not finding it particularly helpful. I will stick with it though, but so far I haven't learned anything I didn't already know. It is slightly comforting hearing from other people recently diagnosed also, but I haven't felt able to share my own experiences in the group. Maybe that will come, but I'm usually much better at communicating in writing than speaking, whether it be anxiety when talking or feeling I don't have anything interesting to contribute.

  • You don't have to contribute in order to get something out of the forums, sometimes it is just interesting to listen to others' experiences. I don't really post but I do find the forums interesting.

  • You don't have to contribute in order to get something out of the forums, sometimes it is just interesting to listen to others' experiences. I don't really post but I do find the forums interesting.

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