Autism with depression and anxiety


I am a 41 female who has recently been diagnosed wirh autism after being in the Mental Health system for over 12 years.

I feel very relieved that I can finally begin to put my finger on how I have been feeling since being a child, why I struggle with lots of things and also meeting like minded people.

However, although the diagnosis is a relief, it still does not explain the severe anxiety, depression and regular suicidal thoughts. Does anyone else suffer anxiety and depression with their autism and how do they manage it? I was on 200mg of sertraline for years but the physical side effects aren't good so I have weaned off it. Would prefer not to be medicated 

Thanks in advance,


  • Hi Stacey - sorry to hear you’ve had so many tough times and challenges over the years.

    I think that autism almost always comes along with a certain amount of anxiety and depression. 
    Inhave been trying to manage my anxiety for decades - it’s been an ongoing problem for me that at times has become completely overwhelming. Years ago my GP prescribed anti-depressants but I couldn’t tolerate them - I had appalling side effects that just about finished me off. But I got through that thankfully. 

    I’m happy for you that you have a diagnosis. Hopefully it will help you to deal with both processing your past and also m9ving forward with greater understanding about how to improve your life - what you want and what you need. 

    good luck!

  • Thabk you for your comment. As awful as it is, it's good to know others share the same feelings and can offer support and advice. Sorry for your difficult times.

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