Karen Neighbours

And I have a son at 6 years old I have had trouble with neighbours and allegations that have not been true and  now my horrible neighbours have now called the police on me me and said that I am abusing my child the police came to do a welfare check on him all because my son every day when he comes in from school he has a massive meltdown that lasts for about an hour and a half I try my best to calm him down but he ultimately calms his self down in his own time it is no secret that my son has autism as he gets picked up on a special needs bus my neighbours know this and every other complaint has not worked so now they have resorted to ring the police I don't really know what else to do has anybody else experienced this is this discrimination is there anything that I can do to take these people to court it's one thing to attack me but now to personally attack my son for his disability is upsetting especially am a abuse survivor myself my son is also non-verbal he can say a couple of words but other than that that he doesn't really speak and he has stimers as well

  • I would arrange to talk to the school. He's melting down an hour every day after - clearly they're creating a great deal of stress. Do they have somewhere safe and quiet he spends lunch? 

    These horrendous neighbours need to realise he feels safe enough with you to let out steam / emotion after that kind of stress. We need a reference pamphlet that sums up the stress society impacts on autistic individuals to pop into these neighbours post boxes...

  • I agree. The problem is that these neighbours might be too lazy or ignorant to engage with attempts to educate them about why this little boy is behaving in this way. I hope I’m wrong of course - and that progress can be made with good communication. 

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