Making new friends

My son was diagnosed with "High Functioning Aspergers" at the age of 6 & is now 24 years old..

He has always had trouble with making friends as people don't understand what Autism is & take full advantage of the situation...

My son is always looking to make new friendships or even love, but we have no groups in our area for him to attend...

He's getting slightly frustrated & always goes back to the online gaming which he fills comfortable & at home in..

We live in Ashford Kent & would like to here from anyone who has any ideas or suggestions..


  • There’s an online group called luv2meetu. It’s really great they have loads of social events both online and face to face. They are based all over. Message me for more details if you’re interested.

  • Hi - my youngest son is experiencing this too. He’s intelligent, kind, has a great sense of humour - but has social anxiety and selective mutism when at school and then college - which prevented him from making friends. He wants to have friends, and a girlfriend one day too - but his social anxiety is a huge barrier to this. 
    There are (as far as I can tell) surprising few things out there to help autistic people with meeting up and making friends (online or in person). It’s a real shame because I think loads of autistic people really want to have friends.  
    I don’t have any answers I’m afraid - but just wanted to say how much I empathise and to wish your son luck.