Fear of medication

Does anyone else on here freak out if they are prescribed medication by a doctor? I’ve had a couple of bad experiences in the past with side effects from medication and Now I almost have a phobia about any medication and possible side effects. Does anyone else have this? 

  • Yes I am very suspicious of any medication and don't like to take anything unless absolutely necessary. I am particularly reluctant with any medication that impacts brain function. My doctors have repeatedly tried to prescribe me antidepressants but I have always refused. I am a scientist so I will sometimes even go off and read the papers and studies/ clinical trials on the medication and I always find a 'rational reason' of why I don't want to / shouldn't take it but I know that that is just a rationalisation for something that deep down I do not want to do (because of course there is also often a lot of evidence that the medication could be effective). In case of antidepressants or anti-anxiety medication, I have realised that the thought patterns that cause me problems are also those that make me good at what I love and make me who I am. I think this is one of the reasons I am so hesitant. 

    I am also in general careful with medication as I suffer from a lot of digestive issues anyways and therefore am even more hesitant to take anything... 

    I like to read the information leaflet of all medication as well (as well as researching it)- I like to be informed. But I am very aware that it usually sounds bad on paper- have you ever read the leaflet for paracetamol or ibuprofen? I wouldn't take those unless absolutely necessary but I do feel that those are accepted by most people to be relatively ok- so I found it quite nice for comparison to read those leaflets too. I like as much info as possible but maybe you might prefer to not read the leaflets at all to limit anxiety? 

    For me the fear of taking anything even extends to the multivitamin that my dietitian keeps telling me to take... so I'm not really behaving super rationally here...

  • I am the same - very reluctant to take medication. About 15 years ago I was prescribed anti-depressants for my anxiety - I was extremely reluctant to take them but eventually felt so bad that I did - and I had the most terrible reaction to them! Unfortunately this only confirmed my fears about medication - and now I am even more reluctant than ever. As you say - I like to be informed - but when you read about side effects on any drug they always sound dreadful and alarming. I try to be as healthy as I can in terms of diet and exercise in the hope of avoiding visiting the doctor or taking medication as much as I possibly can.

  • I am the same - very reluctant to take medication. About 15 years ago I was prescribed anti-depressants for my anxiety - I was extremely reluctant to take them but eventually felt so bad that I did - and I had the most terrible reaction to them! Unfortunately this only confirmed my fears about medication - and now I am even more reluctant than ever. As you say - I like to be informed - but when you read about side effects on any drug they always sound dreadful and alarming. I try to be as healthy as I can in terms of diet and exercise in the hope of avoiding visiting the doctor or taking medication as much as I possibly can.
