Awaiting referral

Hi, My little boy (aged 6) is currently awaiting a CAMHs referral regarding a probable autism diagnosis.

He has always shown signs but since before Christmas things have really escalated. Constant meltdowns in school, violent behaviour towards others and himself. He can currently only go into schools for the mornings as full days is just not possible. And even then last weel I was phoned at 9.50am one morning and 10.15 another morning to collect him.

An educational psychologist has observed him at school and says he shows signs of autism but we are waiting on CAMHs referral.

Can I ask how long has diagnosis taken for people? We're feeling really flat just now because bar us and the school noone is interested and my wee boy is suffering. School referred him to a Bernados support service? But they replied saying his case is too severe? So they won't offer anything.

I just want help for my boy and it feels like there isn't any.

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