
Hello, I'm feeling so depressed at the moment. I'm on the spectrum, I was diagnosed when I was 12. In the last few years there has been so much change and more things keep happening I just can't cope anymore. Feel like I'm crashing down into the ground. I'm anxious and on edge all the time. Feel so depressed now I don't want to be here anymore. I went to the doctors but they keep misdiagnosing me all the time. They don't understand autism, they just treat me like I'm a crazy person. I've been in hospital several times in the last year, stopped contacting the doctors now every time I do I have to go back to hospital. I had my parents for support but my dad has his own problems and my mum has Alzheimer's and is starting to forget things she's been told and names. I'm so scared of everything. I don't want my mum to get ill like that. Really scared of the future and what's going to happen. I can't work, I can't go out, no friends, I'm so anxious about everything. Try to mask but it burns me out. Spend day listening to music, going online and watching films. Don't know what to do, can't take doctors anymore, pills don't work. At a loss now I really don't know what to do or who to turn to for help.

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