Introducing Myself

Hi there! I joined this forum because one of my main goals is to socialise more as the only people I interact with are my immediate family. The problem is I have really bad social anxiety (even online) so I always struggle with what to say. Can anyone empathise? Does anyone fancy a chat?

  • Hiya, welcome. Welcome.

    Chat away. You can say anything you like to us. We will hear. You can ask any question someone will know the answer.

    Nice to meet you

  • Yeah I know logically I can’t be bad at everything but it’s kind of been imprinted in my mind that I am. My special interest is Pokémon and if Im able to recall a lot of facts and figures from the games then surely I must have some ability lol If I were to learn a language I would probably choose Spanish. I would love to visit Barcelona and Madrid. Being a huge Pokémon fan, I’d love to learn Japanese but that is extremely advanced for a Latin Alphabet speaker.

  • Funnily enough I Think i would rather be a jack of all trades than a master of one lol I prefer to learn at my own leisure because there’s no pressure so I’m much more likely to absorb information. There’s also no way I could hack exams. I also don’t really care about accolades just the things that I’m learning.

  • Yes, school can be horrible. You are NOT terrible at everything, I'm sure there are things you are good at and you would enjoy. Perhaps take things one step at a time and gradually build up your confidence and find out what you would like? You have already taken the step of reaching out to people here.

    Duolingo is a nice way to learn because it turns it into a game and you can learn in small chunks and at your own pace. What language would you like to learn?

  • I like learning about things in general but the way I learn and absorb information Is unconventional

    Yes, typically the education system doesn’t accommodate our monotropic autistic learning style. 

    University usually suits autistic people best in terms of learning as we can hyper focus and become specialists in our chosen subjects. 

    You say you are reluctant to study in the future, I can kind of relate as I am glad I have finished school. I think you have much more autonomy when you leave education.

  • Mythology

    I have a joke for you I made that not many undestands:

    Two friends meets:

    Sisyphus says: Yo

    Oedipus answers: Yo rollingstone.

  • Just popping my head in briefly to say Hi and Welcome.

  • I like learning about things in general but the way I learn and absorb information Is unconventional. It’s one of the reasons I dropped out of college and an reluctant to study in the future. I think I Also put a lot of pressure on myself when I’m studying in a conventional setting.

  • Since I left school about a decade ago, I’ve lived a very minimalist lifestyle as it was the only way to cope with my OCD and anxiety. Basically I would avoid most things that would be too “messy” or anxiety ridden. The only one things I really did are eat, sleep and play Pokémon. Things aren’t that different now but my OCD isn’t as severe and I’m more willing to face my anxiety. School destroyed my self confidence and Led me to believe I am and would be terrible at everything. For me I guess it’s more of what would I like to do. I have to admit I would like to learn a foreign language too or maybe learn to play an instrument. 

  • You are very welcome. 

    You have an interesting ambition, there are lots of autistic YouTubers and content creators. I read that you are also interested in psychology and history. Are there any specific topics which appeal to you most or do you want to learn about everything?

  • Hi! I like reading, usually historical novels, enjoying the countryside near our home and cycling. I am also learning Italian on Duolingo. What kind of things do you like to do?

  • Yes - my son has temporarily left college for similar reasons (he has selective mutism too). College can be such an intense environment if you are autistic  - and at the moment it’s too overwhelming for him.  There’s not that much support for these issues at his college - which doesn’t help matters. 

  • Hi there! No I definitely know what you mean! Creating a thread did make me very anxious but I reached a point where I’m more willing to fight it :) Next week I’m going to a real life autism thing and even though I’ll have a sleepless night and an anxiety filled day, I’m gonna try to face it.

  • Nice to meet you :)

  • Thank you! Although I can find socialising difficult and have a lot of anxiety because of this, my dream job would probably involve being on camera or being some kind of performer. I would absolutely love to be a vlogger or streamer for example.

  • Hi there! Yeah the pandemic wasn’t much different for me but than usual but I can only imagine how hard it must have been for people that didn’t have the decade of practice that I had. So what kind of things do you enjoy?

  • Hi there! I had to drop out of college because the combination of the work, socialising and commuting was too much for me. I sometimes experience “freezing” where I either get overwhelmed by anxiety or have a sensory overload. I become hyper aware of my mind and body and as a result I can’t talk or move.

  • Nice to meet you! Yeah I Feel anxious typing this too! I worry about sounding really stupid or coming across the wrong way :/

  • My main interests are History and Psychology. I also love Numeracy and Mythology. I have a thirst for knowledge so most things interest me to a degree.