Can childhood viral diseases like Scarlet Fever cause ASC

Had Scarlet Fever at a very age which left me deaf in one ear and with a heart murmur. Have also read that strep diseases such as that and meningitis, etc could be the cause of ASC too and just wondering if anyone else with ASD may have had  similiar diseases as a child?

  • No, it is genetic.

    Autistic traits can be identified right at the birth - and most certainly with genetic testing.

    If you have ASD, you have it right from the beginning of your life - that is not something that you can get later in your life through some diseases or exposure to toxic materials  or radiation - that story was about Supermutants, like Spidermen :D

    You get diagnosis if you have a reason to get one, but it is not a tool that catches them all...

    Diseases can affect your health condition, where ASD issues come out - maybe after stress or other things that impact brains and neurological system.

  • No, it is genetic.

    Autistic traits can be identified right at the birth - and most certainly with genetic testing.

    If you have ASD, you have it right from the beginning of your life - that is not something that you can get later in your life through some diseases or exposure to toxic materials  or radiation - that story was about Supermutants, like Spidermen :D

    You get diagnosis if you have a reason to get one, but it is not a tool that catches them all...

    Diseases can affect your health condition, where ASD issues come out - maybe after stress or other things that impact brains and neurological system.
