Hello - *waves*

Hi, my name is Em. I'm 25. I've just joined, I'm hoping to meet others like me and just have fun really and be myself. I'm not really able to do that at home, have to mask to fit in and be 'normal'. I have a diagnosis of ASD and a few other health issues as well. I don't cope very well with having ASD, I find it difficult especially my sensory problems and communicating with others face to face. Mostly I just hide out in my room, go out for fresh air a few times a week but mostly stay in. I like to paint, it's my favourite thing to do. Feel really comfortable and at ease around my paints. Love the smell of paint as well, I have a heightened sense of smell and with paint I don't mind lol. Also like music, really relaxing. I do singing and guitar as well sometimes but not a lot of late. If you want to you can read more on my profile page but you don't have to :) 

Take care everyone.

Em x

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi there... Yeh can't complain thanks. How are you? Nice, very cool, what ones do you own? I only have one, Yamaha acoustic. Play it a few times a week.

    I like all types of music. Depending on my mood. Sometimes I'm into pop, classic, rap... Wherever my mood takes me. Do you like music?

    Em x