Hello! My name is Amelia

My name is Amelia and I use they/she pronouns. I identify as a non-binary woman. I prefer the term "autistic person" over "person with autism." I was diagnosed very recently, about two months ago, although I have known I am autistic for years. 

My special interest is John Lennon and The Beatles. I also play piano and have synesthesia.

I struggle with social cues (as I am sure a lot of us do), but I tend to understand other autistics more than allistics.

My favorite color is yellow! 

  • Hi Amelia, nice to meet you.

    I have synaesthesia too.  I was gob smacked when my assessment picked that up.  But they are so right.  I never even mentioned the name/colour thing to them, but I have it.  Laura Kate Dale also mentions it in her book and a few folks here have also mentioned it.  I know Jamie Ward from Sussex University says there isn't a connection to autism, but I'm not so sure about that.  It would make logical sense that if our sensory wiring is different a fair few of us might have them interwoven like that. I can sometimes even feel or smell words. How do you experience yours?  

    Welcome and hope you enjoy the forum :-)

  • Hi Dawn, it's interesting that you have synaesthesia as well? Were you diagnosed early with it? You don't have to answer that btw, I sound nosy I'm sorry, I am just curious. The book by Laura, can you get that on Kindle do you know or does it have to be bought in paperback-hardback? I prefer Kindle as you can make the font size really big and my eyes struggle a lot!

    I hope you're coping ok with everything and that your sensories aren't getting too mixed up. I find mine can at times :) 

    Em x

  • I bought a hard copy of Laura's book:  "Uncomfortable labels" on Amazon, but they might have it for kindle too.  She reports that she is actively allergic to the colour "yellow".  Fascinating.

    I don't mind the 'nosy' at all. LOL.  The Lorna Wing Centre picked up on it at my ASD assessment.  These people are good.  I never even mentioned the colour/name thing to them.  They picked it up on my reactions to some other words. I was 56 and it had never occurred to me that other people didn't have this.

    I posted that little fact about me on fb to see if anyone else had it.  Two did.  Both related to me.  Hmmm, on the genes somewhere?

  • As this is in reply to me I guess it's directed at me as well? No I'm not transgender and I suggest you look up Laura's book as it is about ASD and a lot of other things as well, so it isn't just for people who are transgender.

    Em x

  • As this is in reply to me I guess it's directed at me as well? No I'm not transgender and I suggest you look up Laura's book as it is about ASD and a lot of other things as well, so it isn't just for people who are transgender.

    Em x

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