Hello! My name is Amelia

My name is Amelia and I use they/she pronouns. I identify as a non-binary woman. I prefer the term "autistic person" over "person with autism." I was diagnosed very recently, about two months ago, although I have known I am autistic for years. 

My special interest is John Lennon and The Beatles. I also play piano and have synesthesia.

I struggle with social cues (as I am sure a lot of us do), but I tend to understand other autistics more than allistics.

My favorite color is yellow! 

  • No I’m not Trans. My eldest child (now adult) is non-binary. Why do you ask? (You don’t have to say why - I’m just curious :) 

  • As this is in reply to me I guess it's directed at me as well? No I'm not transgender and I suggest you look up Laura's book as it is about ASD and a lot of other things as well, so it isn't just for people who are transgender.

    Em x

  • Hi Kate, I've not heard that one before but I'm listening to it now and you're right what a great song! I think I love all the John Lennon songs I've heard, he was amazing. Really talented man. Adding How to my playlist :) I love that video, he's so cool and chilled out and I imagine he was like that in real life as well. Just really laid back and enjoying life, whilst still being funny and cool at the same time. Legend.

    Em x

  • Are you trans dawn??? That books for trans

  • Are you trans dawn??? That books for trans

  • Hi Em,

    It’s hard to choose a favourite - but I really really love ‘How’ - do you know it? It’s really beautiful. 
    I also love the video that’s on YouTube for ‘Mind Games’ when he’s strolling around Central Park in a black coat and black hat - that sums John Lennon up for me - funny and cool and irreverent. I love that. 

  • Hi Kate I hope you don't mind me butting in here lol. I'm a big fan of John Lennon, I really love Imagine, so moving and inspiring. Do you have a fave John Lennon song? I'm sorry you and your friend didn't get a reply to your letter. I agree with you his voice was beautiful.

    Em x

  • I was just reading about it, it sounds a really interesting and educational read. It is available on Kindle so I've bought that! Could be really useful for me hopefully. It sounds like it was for you. I could have got it hardback as well but my vision is poor so it's easier on Kindle. I can totally get that feeling of being allergic to yellow, it feels like I am to white, especially horrible in direct sunshine!

    Lol I've always been nosy-curious. Sometimes I ask too much. Wow they do sound amazing to pick it up like that. It's really good they noticed it during your assessment. It's good when they notice things like your reaction, my mum always said they weren't observant at my first assessment but they were at my second and it was me saying about colours which got me mine. I was 13 at the time and I just assumed everyone was the same as well. It's always been natural to be being this way, still is now :) 

    That's interesting to know. Maybe it is in genes? My mum isn't like it but my youngest sister is, we're so similar in lots of ways I think she has ASD as well. But she isn't diagnosed yet.

    Em x

  • I bought a hard copy of Laura's book:  "Uncomfortable labels" on Amazon, but they might have it for kindle too.  She reports that she is actively allergic to the colour "yellow".  Fascinating.

    I don't mind the 'nosy' at all. LOL.  The Lorna Wing Centre picked up on it at my ASD assessment.  These people are good.  I never even mentioned the colour/name thing to them.  They picked it up on my reactions to some other words. I was 56 and it had never occurred to me that other people didn't have this.

    I posted that little fact about me on fb to see if anyone else had it.  Two did.  Both related to me.  Hmmm, on the genes somewhere?

  • Hi Amelia :) 

    when I was younger (many years ago)  I became really really interested in John Lennon. Me and my friend wrote a letter to yoko ono but we were very disappointed not to hear back. I still really like John Lennon - I still think he has the best singing voice in popular music - I love his voice and his rebellious spirit. 

  • Hello Amelia! Welcome to the forum. 

    Just on a side note, since you were aware that you were autistic for years did you find the diagnosis/identification a positive and validating experience or not?

    Sp. Oc.

  • Hi Dawn, it's interesting that you have synaesthesia as well? Were you diagnosed early with it? You don't have to answer that btw, I sound nosy I'm sorry, I am just curious. The book by Laura, can you get that on Kindle do you know or does it have to be bought in paperback-hardback? I prefer Kindle as you can make the font size really big and my eyes struggle a lot!

    I hope you're coping ok with everything and that your sensories aren't getting too mixed up. I find mine can at times :) 

    Em x

  • Hi Amelia, nice to meet you.

    I have synaesthesia too.  I was gob smacked when my assessment picked that up.  But they are so right.  I never even mentioned the name/colour thing to them, but I have it.  Laura Kate Dale also mentions it in her book and a few folks here have also mentioned it.  I know Jamie Ward from Sussex University says there isn't a connection to autism, but I'm not so sure about that.  It would make logical sense that if our sensory wiring is different a fair few of us might have them interwoven like that. I can sometimes even feel or smell words. How do you experience yours?  

    Welcome and hope you enjoy the forum :-)

  • Hi Amelia, welcome here and to the forum. Hopefully being diagnosed has answered a lot of questions for you. I like the Beatles, my fave of their songs is she loves you. 

    Take care,

    Em x

  • Hello Amelia,

    wellcome to the forum. I too identify as non-binary and love the Beatles. May I ask if you like the early songs or the later songs? It is hard to chose but I love "In My Life" as well as "Got To Get You In To my Life" I went to Liverpool last year and stood outside the doorway to the Cavern club which was a magical moment and enjoyed visiting the Beatles museum.