Hi, I have no special interests.


I got diagnosed 7months ago, just before my 28th birthday. Ever since people have been telling me that all my social issues will be solved by going on forums and finding people who share my interests, but the problem is I don't really have any. I like things but not so intently that a person's negative opinion about them wouldn't make me consider dropping that interest. And I don't know lots about stuff I like. I like movies but like I've never seen most of the big ones people seem to always want to talk about. I remember when I heard my friends watched Community I was like "Oooh I've seen that!!" And then they made all these references I didn't get and I started to wonder if I'd missed half the show.

So yeah, here's me trying to join a community forum when I don't even know what I want to talk about with you Upside down

  • Hello, Melon. 

    You're not alone. I do not have any interest that I can say that I love wholeheartedly. More importantly, I don't know everything about the interests that I do have and have seen other Autistic people with such a breadth of knowledge within their interests that it makes me feel almost neurotypical. 

    However, I think this is largely down to how we chose to perceive things. We sometimes may think people appear more knowledgable than they are because we make that presumption based upon what they do know. It is likely that you too also know a lot, but your methods of delivering that information may vary. 

    Additionally, not knowing what to talk about is completely natural. I think you done the right thing and talked about what it is you don't know what to talk about. Welcome to the community! This is what we're here for (presumably, I just joined too!)

    But going back to the interests; I have a few interests that I've spent years cycling through. One month it may be chess, the next it may be a videogame called Runescape and then I may decide to read blogs online for a month. I can't say that I have an interest in any of those things despite doing them for years. They just keep me entertained. 

    Sometimes, that's the only purpose they need to serve just like watching films. So if there's one thing we've gathered here today; it's that you have a fine taste in entertainment! 

    Nice to meet you, 


  • Hello, Melon. 

    You're not alone. I do not have any interest that I can say that I love wholeheartedly. More importantly, I don't know everything about the interests that I do have and have seen other Autistic people with such a breadth of knowledge within their interests that it makes me feel almost neurotypical. 

    However, I think this is largely down to how we chose to perceive things. We sometimes may think people appear more knowledgable than they are because we make that presumption based upon what they do know. It is likely that you too also know a lot, but your methods of delivering that information may vary. 

    Additionally, not knowing what to talk about is completely natural. I think you done the right thing and talked about what it is you don't know what to talk about. Welcome to the community! This is what we're here for (presumably, I just joined too!)

    But going back to the interests; I have a few interests that I've spent years cycling through. One month it may be chess, the next it may be a videogame called Runescape and then I may decide to read blogs online for a month. I can't say that I have an interest in any of those things despite doing them for years. They just keep me entertained. 

    Sometimes, that's the only purpose they need to serve just like watching films. So if there's one thing we've gathered here today; it's that you have a fine taste in entertainment! 

    Nice to meet you, 


  • Hi Adam, Thanks for your reply. It's cool to see that just talking about not knowing what to talk about has started something and hearing other people's experiences has helped me feel a bit less down about myself. I had hoped this would happen but I wasn't really sure that it would. 

    Welcome to the community, I hope you find good stuff here like I have.