Allow me introduce myself

Greetings everyone!

I don't feel comfortable in revealing my real name over the internet until I really get to know and trust someone. But I orginally found this forum whilst searching for job interview advice and ended up checking out many of the great threads that are on here. It seems like a friendly community which is why I decided to join. Slight smile

Anyway, at the age of (I think) 5, I was diagnosed with Semantic Pragmatic Disorder. Whilst it has mellowed a lot as I have gotten older, I do occasionally still have difficulty with verbal comprehension particularly with following instructions and staying on track with long conversations. My reading comprehension is fine though, and I therefore prefer to have instructions that are written down. However, when I was at school, reading comprehension is something which I greatly struggled with and I hated English lessons for that reason. 

Whilst from time to time, my SPD can be a little frustrating, I generally don't dwell on it as I realise that every human being on the planet has their imperfections and that I have many positives in other areas. And so do you. Slight smile

  • Hi and welcome. 

    The topic of cats right now is a little raw, ours died last week. I'm not dealing with it very well. I haven't cleaned the house since he was alive ( as in hoover and dust) I feel like I'm cleaning him away....anyway I need to snap out of it soon otherwise the dustmites will eat us all haha. Sorry ignore me, I had to just type it and get it out there because of the looping thoughts that are driving me mad.

  • I am sorry for your loss Rach,

    Wishing you well,


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