I Live in Hell

Hi Everybody,

My name is Jim and I run the 'Jimberry and the Couscous Youtube Channel'

I am interested in autism and mental health.

I create music, art, poetry, cryptic crossword clues and videos about mental health.

However I am far from thriving. I, and I suspect many others with autistic spectrum conditions living in the UK, 'Live in Hell'. 

If you would like to get to know more about me, please visit my Youtube Channel.

I have also recently joined 'Wrong Planet' where I explain how three of my works relate to autism.

Best wishes to everybody at the National Autistic Society, have a GrEaT dAy and...

HaPpY AuTiSm AdVaNcEmEnT dAy! (referenced in other posts of mine).

Cheers. Thanks for reading. I look forward to learning from and meeting you all.

Jim from Jimberry and the Couscous (small Youtuber)

Parents Reply Children
  • Thank you tophatstomper,

    I very much your situation and the situation of many here (it would seem) improves soon. I encourage that we are proactive by signing, sharing and supporting (or starting if able!) any open government petitions relating to advancing opportunities, services and assistance for autistics.

    Many are in dire circumstances which. The situation is unsustainable.

    We should not accept living miserably.

    We need to fight for our rights to thrive and end systemic ableism.

    Best wishes, Jim

    Jimberry and the Couscous Youtuber.