I Live in Hell

Hi Everybody,

My name is Jim and I run the 'Jimberry and the Couscous Youtube Channel'

I am interested in autism and mental health.

I create music, art, poetry, cryptic crossword clues and videos about mental health.

However I am far from thriving. I, and I suspect many others with autistic spectrum conditions living in the UK, 'Live in Hell'. 

If you would like to get to know more about me, please visit my Youtube Channel.

I have also recently joined 'Wrong Planet' where I explain how three of my works relate to autism.

Best wishes to everybody at the National Autistic Society, have a GrEaT dAy and...

HaPpY AuTiSm AdVaNcEmEnT dAy! (referenced in other posts of mine).

Cheers. Thanks for reading. I look forward to learning from and meeting you all.

Jim from Jimberry and the Couscous (small Youtuber)

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