New to site looking for support


My name is Sandra [removed by Moderator] and my daughter has now been accepted by CYPS and they want to test my daughter for Autism and/or ADHD my daughter is 14 She has barely been to school since September.  Covid Pandemic hasn't helps and I think because my daughter has been able to stay in her room and in the house for such a long period of time she finds it hard to socialise now and even harder to go to school.  I have tried everything she had a counsellor but wouldn't engage.  I had to practically drag her to the CYPS appointment and within 10 minutes the person we were speaking to said she was going to accept her and wanted to look down the neurological route and test for Autism and/or ADHD but suspected Autism she explained that it often goes undiagnosed for a long time in girls as they learn to mask it and I strongly believe this is what is happening with my daughter.  The more I am reading up on Autism the more I can see these are things she does and has done for a long time.  Has anyone ever had an issue getting their teenage daughter to engage and go to school or go out and have you got any advice or tips I could use.  I would appreciate any support as it is hard when you can't see what a person is feeling and don't fully understand.  I have began researching so I can help my daughter and help her learn to cope.  The sad part is the school is so unsupportive and my daughter has actually said she can't wait to get a diagnosis as then the school will understand and will have to listen.  My daughter loves to please and hates to upset and be a burden to anyone.  If she doesn't understand something or feels uncomfortable she can't ask for help she sits in silence and suffers.  For example if she is in Maths and didn't understand what to do she wouldn't ask the teacher for help and the reason behind this is because the teacher has another 30 students in her class I can't take up all of her time her telling me what to do.  Any help and advice or a friend to talk to would be great to help me understand what my daughter could be going through and feeling.  I am a fixer myself and I hate feeling so useless.