Hi - diagnosed late in years

At the age of 51. I suspected to be on the spectrum since my son was diagnosed. No words to describe to finally know why I am/was the way I am/was, and why people treated/reacted to me the way they did. Glad to be here. Slowly coming to peace with it. Have known for 7 months. 

  • Thanks for the feed back all. It’s kind of reassuring to know l / we aren’t the only ones going through this.

  • got you guys beat... 62. i guess i was 2e, but also assume i have dyscalculia.... i'm 66 now. trying to unscramble my desperate life.

    welcome to the club.

  • Welcome. I’m in a similar situation to you. It’s a revelation finding out and for me has brought a lot of closure to seemingly inexplicable situations l’ve gone through in the past. The main thing now is coping with other people’s reactions to my diagnosis (and it hasn’t been all positive unfortunately).

  • Been there done that Slight smile

    My son was diagnosed with Aspergers as an early teenager.

    Some years later (when I was 55) I went to my GP as my anxiety was just getting worse and that resulted in a Psychiatrist consultation followed up by a full Phychological assessment including an ADOS test, resulting in an Autism Level 1 diagnosis.

    It would have been nice to have known when I was a teenager and now I am more aware of situations that cause me stress ie changes in routine, busy venues, social appointments, using telephones and obsessions.