
Hi to all who read my post. I am the mother to a 10 year old daughter with autism and adhd. She was diagnosed at 7 years old she’s still in main stream school with a EHCP but she hates school so much. It’s like a battle every single day trying to get her to go in she says she has no friends as people think she’s weird it breaks me heart daily she does have a couple of children she plays with but there are often arguments between them as she doesn’t understand social cues and often is just misunderstood. She is extremely behind with reading and writing she says she feels stupid all the time which again is just awful as nothing I seem to try and help with helps she has a one to one she doesn’t seem to be of much help either. Her attendance in school is 57% as I do just give up some days as she’s at the point of having a melt down and I don’t force it! Last Wednesday I made the mistake of forcing her into school we got half way down the road in the pouring rain her with no coat on screaming at me down the street I’ve tried to get her coat on and it’s resulted in a physical fight between us she’s a big girl for her age I grabbed the front of her coat to try and do it up and ended up elbowing her in the neck please don’t judge me on this as it was not intentionally done. Anyway she’s gone into school upset and said to the one to one this has happened school have then called social services. They came out to do a home visit which caused my daughter to have another meltdown as she doesn’t like stranger in the house. We are also moving house in June to a new area and I am at my wits end on what to do. I’m a single mother her dad is pretty useless and refuses to accept autism can’t be cured some how. We are moving back to my home town where I’ll have more support from my family but right now my daughter just hates me for choosing to do this even though I have no choice as the house we are in is getting sold and I’m currently studying so can’t rent anywhere else on a new tenancy as I need to be earning actual wages to rent! Any advice would be welcomed as I just don’t know what to do right now to make my daughter life happier. 

  • Hi NAS78432 and welcome to the online community,

    Sorry to hear that you're going through a stressful time.

    With regards to moving to a new place, and presumably a new school as well, our transitions page may provide some ideas with helping your daughter adjust - the info is aimed at professionals, but there could be a few useful ideas in there.

    As a dislike for school seems to be a prominent part of the situation, it may also be worth getting in touch with our Education Rights Helpline for further advice. You can contact them via online form - https://www.autism.org.uk/what-we-do/help-and-support/education-advice-line - or call on 0808 800 4102.

    Best wishes to you and your daughter,

    Kevin Mod

  • Hi NAS78432 and welcome to the online community,

    Sorry to hear that you're going through a stressful time.

    With regards to moving to a new place, and presumably a new school as well, our transitions page may provide some ideas with helping your daughter adjust - the info is aimed at professionals, but there could be a few useful ideas in there.

    As a dislike for school seems to be a prominent part of the situation, it may also be worth getting in touch with our Education Rights Helpline for further advice. You can contact them via online form - https://www.autism.org.uk/what-we-do/help-and-support/education-advice-line - or call on 0808 800 4102.

    Best wishes to you and your daughter,

    Kevin Mod

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