

I'm Tigermoo, and I absolutely hate introductions!  Well I hate writing them, everyone else always seem to have something a lot more intelligent to say.  I was diagnosed autistic on the 3rd February this year, right before my 39th birthday.  Lockdown helped me realise I was autistic, which was kickstarted by my husband googling why I walk on my toes around the house.

So stealing some ideas from others, I'm married with 2 cats.  I'm sure I read somewhere that women on the spectrum always have 2 cats - well I ticked that stereotype Slight smile  My boys are called Riley and Ash.  Riley is a blue point tabby Birman, 10 years old, and came with us from New Zealand when we decided to move back to the UK.  Ash is a Russian Blue, turns 4 next month and is Welsh.  We live in the middle of England, not too far from where I grew up in Warwickshire, hoping to make a return one day.

Interests wise, I'm a big gamer, I was very lucky and managed to grab a PS5 in December 2020 and I enjoy playing on that, but we also have a Switch out of the current gen consoles.  We're currently playing Elden Ring which we're both really enjoying and I was playing Pokemon Legends Arceus before that.  My favourite game of all time is an impossible question to answer but today I would pick The Witcher 3 which I'm eagerly anticipating the PS5 patch for so I can replay it again.

I'm also studying tarot and have found it an amazing tool to learn from.  I don't necessarily see it as a fortune telling predictive tool for myself, but I like to see what the cards have to say about my week ahead which I do on a Sunday night.  It can offer a fresh perspective and can help calm me I've noticed.  Any tarot enthusiasts who want to chat please say hi!  I would love a study buddy/someone to learn from.  I wouldn't say I have psychic powers or anything but I can tell if something bad is going to happen, when I feel it in my gut its never been wrong, and I've certainly had experiences that I can't explain.

I absolutely love animals, they are so much easier to connect with than people.  Researching autism has made me see things in my boys, I reckon Riley is autistic and Ash has ADHD.  I can instantly connect and bond with any animal, can't say the same about people.  I would say outside of my husband I have 3 people I semi regularly talk to, and the one I talk to the most I've never met in person, not sure what that says about me!  I cannot stand any kind of animal abuse, I can watch films/TV shows of people dying all day without batting an eyelid but the second its an animal I'm switching everything off and crying my eyes out.

I do enjoy crafts but I feel I'm bad at them.  There seems to be a disconnect between how I imagine something will look in my head and how it turns out, which does affect my confidence.  Music wise I would say I have quite a varied musical taste but a couple of my favourites would be Aviators and Miracle of Sound (don't worry, I don't expect anyone else to have heard of either of them!).  I use music as a kind of therapy and that's been useful.  TV - last thing I really loved was Game of Thrones (animal violence aside and I very nearly didn't watch it as a result), favourite movies range from The Lord of the Rings Trilogy to Se7en.  I'm not a big TV/movie watcher, we don't have a TV licence as we default to games more often than not.

I really enjoy using Excel at work.  I'm an accounts clerk and I recently turned a job that was taking me 7.5 hours to do into a 2.5 -3 hour job.  Quite proud of that, as its not only saving time, but also my sanity! Stuck out tongue  Love finding new things in Excel especially formulas.  I'm lucky in that the job I do now, after proving myself to my manager, I'm given free reign to explore and give myself projects to find more efficient ways of doing things.

Another thing about me is I clearly don't know when to shut up!  So if you can handle a long response, feel free to say hi Slight smile

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  • That sounds really great :)  I have a bit of that in my work, I wherever possible try to insist on working off master sheets, but its not always possible.  I very much like the idea of data modelling, I'm getting involved in a project that might give me a few skills in that area.  A friend has sent me some information on using Python with Excel, its a 3 hour video and I've not watched it yet but that's my project for next week! Slight smile  I love messing with formulas and seeing what I can do, my last project I learnt how to in essense do a reverse vlookup to automate a z-read for some tills I look after (keeping the zread rolling onto the next number even if the till polled more than once in a day).

  • I like problem solving and building spreadsheet models to automate tasks. My ideal scenario is to be able to paste some data into one part and have everything come out at the other end analysed exactly in the format I need. I do a lot of forecasting and data modelling too so I enjoy the challenge of building a really complex spreadsheet with lots of variables.