
I would like to know your opinions concerning the logo for Autism.

Until recently I didn’t know about the group “Autism Speaks” who still use the blue puzzle piece as a logo for Autism, I read up on it and I found the history disturbing and upsetting.

I read that the colour blue is stereotypical to claim only males are autistic or more autistic than females, and more. Some accounts I’ve read prefer the puzzle piece if a new meaning to it is accepted, like meaning we all have a place in the full picture unified instead of meaning we’re incomplete as so many use to believe. I saw others who condemn the puzzle piece and prefer other logos like the rainbow infinity sign for neurodiversity.

 I found it so upsetting that this “Autism Speaks” preaches a false and stereotypical perception of Autism to the public, and claims autistic people are a burden to society, a disease, and even a tragedy. I read the two founders of this group are neurotypical grandparents with an autistic grandson and want a cure and ABA as it use to be, I can’t believe anyone alive today would want to do to autistic people what Ole Ivar Lovaas intended to do after all the mental issues we’ve witnessed masking causes.

  • It's disheartening to hear about the concerns tied to the blue puzzle piece and its implications. Personally, I've seen the shift towards more inclusive symbols like the rainbow infinity sign, emphasizing neurodiversity.

  • Hello 87691.

    I note that you have not posted recently, but I also note that you only ever post with notable positivity.  I was wondering if you could tell the group a little about yourself?  Any notable facts or interesting neurodiverse notes - you could post-it here for us all.  It would be nice to understand you better.

    Hope to hear from you.


  • Hello 87691.

    I note that you have not posted recently, but I also note that you only ever post with notable positivity.  I was wondering if you could tell the group a little about yourself?  Any notable facts or interesting neurodiverse notes - you could post-it here for us all.  It would be nice to understand you better.

    Hope to hear from you.


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