

I'm on the spectrum and like to think myself a nice person and very creative in lots of different ways. Looking to get some friends and be myself here as I'm constantly masking around family and its railing me. Finding some coping tips for anxiety and suicidal thoughts would me good as well but one thing at a time.

For now. Hello Slight smile

  • Hi Summer, lovely to meet you! 

    I really identify with the whole masking thing. I masked my whole life without even realising it, I thought it was what everyone did. I didn't find out I was autistic until 2 years ago and that changed everything for me. I am now on a journey of self discovery, it's very difficult but I'm glad I'm doing it.

    I also relate to the strains around family. I'm an only child and had a difficult relationship with my parents in my teenage years although it is alot better now. I've never actually lived on my own, always with parents or partners. 

    I love writing too, what sort of things do you write? Also on the topic of jouraling, have you ever heard of the 6 minute diary? It changed my life, helps me see good things in my life when normally I would only see the bad

  • Hi Summer, lovely to meet you! 

    I really identify with the whole masking thing. I masked my whole life without even realising it, I thought it was what everyone did. I didn't find out I was autistic until 2 years ago and that changed everything for me. I am now on a journey of self discovery, it's very difficult but I'm glad I'm doing it.

    I also relate to the strains around family. I'm an only child and had a difficult relationship with my parents in my teenage years although it is alot better now. I've never actually lived on my own, always with parents or partners. 

    I love writing too, what sort of things do you write? Also on the topic of jouraling, have you ever heard of the 6 minute diary? It changed my life, helps me see good things in my life when normally I would only see the bad

  • Hi Billy lovely to meet you too!

    I hope your journey of self discovery is going well for you? I know the assessment can be really stressful but I found so much peace and comfort after my diagnosis it explain a lot for me. Masking is hard though, very draining as well. 

    I hope things at home are ok for you now? My teenage years were crazy to be honest, didn't really know what was happening. My dad dying did not help that. I wouldn't want to go through teenage again though. I find I'm sort of living with family but at the same time I'm not very close with them. It's sort of a distant relationship.

    I write a lot of scenes fiction in which I make short stories or try to, usually can't finish them and start a new one. What do you like to write? I've not heard of the 6 minute diary, I will look it up. Sounds like it could be good for me as well.