

I'm Sarah. I've got ASD, so does my sister but she's a little more capable of everyday things than I am like working and being with people. Those are things I find hard and get overwhelmed by. I don't have much to say really not good at talking. I love to write, I write every day and have done for years since I was at school. I've got literally thousands of writing saved on my laptop. I'm also into photography, love doing that, shooting myself and the world around me. Also like to read and listen to music Slight smile

  • Welcome Sarah. If you don't mind me asking, what type of writing do you do? Is it for yourself, or do you seek to publish it? I also do writing, mainly fiction.

  • Hello, thank you for the welcome! That sounds interesting, do you have anything published or hope to publish anything in the future? I write mostly fiction, sometimes explore others but usually stick to fiction. I'd like to publish. I've looked into it before but always talk myself out of it! Maybe one day I will do it.

  • Hello, thank you for the welcome! That sounds interesting, do you have anything published or hope to publish anything in the future? I write mostly fiction, sometimes explore others but usually stick to fiction. I'd like to publish. I've looked into it before but always talk myself out of it! Maybe one day I will do it.

  • That's an interesting question; my favourite stories are probably ones that aren't published- as so often, there is a mismatch between my opinion and public opinion(!)

    It's always a good idea to seek feedback. Think about the type you want; a general audience will respond to the themes raised and offer a broad view, then there are organizations that will offer a detailed critique of style, plot, and characterization. The latter can be upsetting for some people, especially if they write about their own circumstances. In any case, send a message if you'd like to discuss further.

    Do you have any favourite authors?

  • Wow, that's amazing and you must be really proud of that. I sure would be! What's your favourite piece of writing you've done? Do you have a favourite? I'm thinking of making a post to share writing, just to get feedback really and because I love to show of all the things I love to do. Aw thank you that's a really kind offer and if I ever get over my nerves and go for a publish I will definitely take you up on that offer! And of course if I do I will be more than happy to help you learn more about photography, it's something I do and have done every day since I was 15.

    Thank you I am really enjoying myself here already.

  • Yes, I publish mainly stories in literary journals, collections, and anthologies. It's mostly general fiction, but some horror or science fiction. If you ever want help with publishing, then send me a message, as I've got standard template cover letters, lists of journals, and other things that may help. In return, maybe you could give me some help with photography, as I purchased a camera recently, but I'm less than completely proficient with it!

    I hope you enjoy the forum.