
Hii Blue heartPurple heartYellow heartHeart

I'm Eterna, not my real name b cool if it was lol Stuck out tongue closed eyes 

Got my diagnosis last year wich was a eye opener explain a lot for me like why I've always come across as different, I prefer the word quirky lol

So kinda settling in this new world of asd and trying to work it out day by day

No support right now but it is comin hopefully Slight smile

Until then id like to meet others with asd and learn some more about it as i am struggling at times so to get a little more control on it would be good Slight smile

  • Hi Eterna, welcome to the group. I'm currently going through diagnosis at the moment and I know what you mean when you talk about things clicking into place when you consider autism as a reason. This is a nice place to discuss stuff as lots of people will be able to identify with similar things to you without neurotypical judgement.

  • Hello PizzaHeartYellow heartPurple heartBlue heartGreen heart 

    Thanks Slight smile I hope your okay and not finding things to hard with the diagnosis. I found it hard at times n overwhelming. Here if you ever feel like you need to vent and get things of your chest.

    Take care Yellow heartYellow heartHeartHeart

  • Thanks Eterna, it's definitely playing on my mind a lot at the moment as my final assessment is in a few weeks, natural worry starting to kick in a little bit, but I'm hoping afterwards that it will give some closure and I can move on to the next chapter!

  • Yes of course it is but don't worry your going to b fine and your find its not nearly as bad as you think it'll be. That's what it was like for me. I spent so much time over thinking it and made it seem a lot worse than it actually was. 

    It's natural to b worried but believe me your have all the answers you want soon and you'll get closure n it feels amazing HeartYellow heartPurple heartBlue heart

  • Yes of course it is but don't worry your going to b fine and your find its not nearly as bad as you think it'll be. That's what it was like for me. I spent so much time over thinking it and made it seem a lot worse than it actually was. 

    It's natural to b worried but believe me your have all the answers you want soon and you'll get closure n it feels amazing HeartYellow heartPurple heartBlue heart

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