
Hello I'm Adele,

New here, not to autism been struggling with that from the beginning. Always different and awkward. Get no understanding and support from anybody, my parents think autism is a mind thing and if I have more willpower then I can overcome it. My grandparents are the exact same. My parents wouldn't even help me get diagnosed I had to go through it all myself which I found distressing and stressful. I am also extremely depressed but I won't go in to that now.

I'm from Manchester, lived here all my life. No friends, just myself for company. I used to enjoy writing, only thing I did well at in school but I don't enjoy it or anything else now. I'm sure it will come back. 

I wanted to join here whilst I still have a little hope left. Be nice to have some friends and support.

  • Hi Adele, welcome to the community!

    I'm sorry your family aren't supportive, that must make everything a lot harder for you. I have a son (nearly 8) who is diagnosed and I am currently going through diagnosis myself. Some of his grandparents don't really get it and try to brush off his diagnosis and say he's fine. Some of them accept it but don't really appreciate the additional adjustments he needs and expect him to fit in with them. I don't think they see me as autistic either (Though my Mum has been supportive with giving input for my diagnosis even if she's not convinced that I am). I've kept a lot of my struggles to myself which is probably why I appear typical to them, but I'm now (late 30s) starting to make decisions based on my needs and not trying to fit in with others so we will see how well that goes down!

  • Hi Adele, welcome to the community!

    I'm sorry your family aren't supportive, that must make everything a lot harder for you. I have a son (nearly 8) who is diagnosed and I am currently going through diagnosis myself. Some of his grandparents don't really get it and try to brush off his diagnosis and say he's fine. Some of them accept it but don't really appreciate the additional adjustments he needs and expect him to fit in with them. I don't think they see me as autistic either (Though my Mum has been supportive with giving input for my diagnosis even if she's not convinced that I am). I've kept a lot of my struggles to myself which is probably why I appear typical to them, but I'm now (late 30s) starting to make decisions based on my needs and not trying to fit in with others so we will see how well that goes down!

  • Hi thank you for welcoming me here. I know it is a shame, I've tried to explain it to them and make them understand even showed my mum my assessment but she just won't accept or believe in it. But at least I've found this place now so I can be myself here and get support when needed. 

    That's good your son has his diagnosis that must have answered so much for you. I'm sure will benefit him for when he's older as he'll not grow up not knowing which I think is a great thing. Oh I hope your not finding this too overwhelming? I know how stressful it can be to go through especially if it's mostly on your own. Great to hear your mum is supporting you through this time, that will help a lot. Best of luck on your journey through this Slight smile