

In short I'm being dicked by life. I have a few problems which initially was caused by childhood trauma and that led to depression and other shite and then I went to the professionals, big mistake! They know *** all about ASD! Half of them don't even mention it just focus on the depression even though ASD is a huge part of it. They keep labelling me with stuff I don't even have. It's bollocks. Because of there incompetence I've been sectioned 3 times because apparently I'm a quote "danger" utter bollocks! But putting all that shite aside I thought I might join up an say hi meet some others like me :) hoping to fit in here as in life I'm like the jigsaw puzzle piece that don't fit anywhere.

  • Hey, so sorry to hear that life's punching you to the curve.
    If it helps you in any way, I don't believe you're a danger to society at all. You're different and I'm different, that's how we roll! I also wanna point out that ASD can be narrowed down as just being neurodivergent, meaning that the jigsaw puzzle piece does and can absolutely fit somewhere. You just need to find what works for you, alright?

    I think the reason the professionals focus on your depression more is because depression can be looped back to happiness. Through trial and error of course, making that the more important task at hand that's seceptible to unstablility if left unmanaged. Do they know that *you* have ASD? And if so, have you intervened and told them that that's what you would rather talk about? Just saying, it may be a better idea to interrupt when you're having a one-on-one convo to focus on that depression and ASD to fit your ideals as equally important matters. And if they label stuff you don't have, correct them and say that you find this aggrevating.

    And yeah, it may not seem like it sometimes, but they're trying their best based on what they know of you. And maybe they need a little more input from you for them to show you that they care. Happy to meet you!