
hi there! i’m currently in the process of contacting my GP to get referred for an autism assessment.

i am 19 years old and i always knew i was different to other people, not greatly different. my brother in law who i’ve known for 5+ years has autism and so does my nephew, he has said on countless occasions he thinks i have autism, same with my partner and some friends. 

i have seen a psychologist for years now and a hypnotherapist. this is due to my severe anxiety and phobia. i have GAD, social anxiety and a phobia of vomiting. i have had issues eating food before due to my anxiety. i’ve always felt like my anxiety is more deep rooted that it just being anxiety? 

i’ve done some research and i’ve been told to make a list of things i’ve noticed and things my friends/family have noticed about me which could relate to autism. i’m going to share the list here and i would like some answers if anyone thinks my list is accurate if that makes sense? i don’t want to waste time getting an assessment and referral as there may be someone who needs it more.

here’s my list :) 


  • clothing touching me especially socks in shoes, things feeling too tight
  • sometimes find it hard to understand peoples way of thinking
  • diagnosed anxiety, social situations and phobia
  • doesn’t like change in routine. spends the day in bed if i get too anxious about changes
  • doesn’t like people too close
  • i feel exhausted
  • i get very agitated when things get too much
  • picky eater
  • picks at skin and lips, leg bouncing, hand tapping and finger cracking (been told it’s from anxiety?)
  • difficulty maintaining friendships
  • employment difficulties
  • struggles with comparing myself to other women and always wanting to change how i am, body issues

friends & family:

  • picks at food and inspects it .. especially chicken
  • avoids eye contact
  • looks way too deep into someone’s actions and things they said
  • plans everything
  • gets incredibly upset over small things (water is cold in shower, small things that go wrong)
  • always needs to be in control of situations
  • very strong headed about speaking on topics i’m passionate about or things i don’t agree with
  • Everything you're saying here is attributable to autism or having autistic traits. You seem to pair up with quite a few (and some very specific ones) so I'd definitely consider asking for the assessment - you won't be taking anyone's place necessarily, as anyone who scores on the initial test in the autistic bracket, will be referred for the assessments.

  • picks at skin and lips, leg bouncing, hand tapping and finger cracking

    they call it stimming behaviour - very attributable to Autism, or, autistic traits.