Does anyone have problems with playing video games for hours on end without stopping every day?

I have always played video games since I was young. I am now 31.

Currently I probably play 3 hours average per day plus 4-5 at weekends.  I can become incredibly invested.

Time just seems to pass by very quickly and I only really stop because my partner tells me to. 

Anyone experience this?  Is it good? Or is it bad?


  • I've played since i was 8.  Im 42 now.  I would play to escape, now a days....i have to do other things but......luckily i have a partner who knows i need to escape sometimes.  I could easily sink 8 hours a day into it, maybe more.  I dont though, i have other hobbies on a physical level that i get pulled towards now, but im either gaming or doing hobbies.....or the dishes.....

  • It is difficult to make an assessment based on what you've said. Do you enjoy playing games, or do you feel that you do so compulsively? Do you think that it negatively impacts other areas of your life?

    I'd be wary about saying you have a problem purely based on time spent, as games are a form of entertainment and occasionally an art form- there is no obvious limit beyond which it is 'bad'. I spend a huge amount of time reading- at what point is that bad? Obviously, doing any activity to the exclusion of all others would limit your intellectual/social development, but you're probably a way away from that.

  • Any programme, be it a game  social media or forums... can be addictive. I never thought of myself as having an issue  but looked at my screen time stats, on my phone alone, the other day. I was rather shocked!! Wednesday for instance, I was almost entirely on my phone!!

  • I think that's a good way to think of things - it's like my counterfactual point above but from the perspective of what other productive things could I do with your time. More than 50 days a year - wow! Think of all of that time.

    I posted in another thread about decision making and backward induction. Do you have any life goals, or even just short term things you would like to do? It could be going on a particular holiday, it could be upskilling, losing weight, getting fit enough to run a 5k or a 10k, volunteering for a charity, maybe acting as a mentor or carer for someone less able than you. What do you want to do or achieve that you currently are not doing? Work back from there to establish what you need to do. Then do it. e.g. you want to go on some particular holiday but don't have the money. With those 50 days you could take up a side job, part time job, and earn some $$$ to save up for it :)

    What would your future self say to you? I'm not sure my future self would tell me they wished they'd played more video games in my 30s :) 

  • I have to say that sounds like an unhealthy addiction to me.  It's what, more than 50 days a year, assuming all 24 hours?  No judgement at all - we all do things that wouldn't appeal to others - but you could achieve a hell of a lot in that time. I run one of our little companies in less time than that.  But whatever gets you thro the night.

  • I think it's only a bad thing if it starts to interrupt and affect your day to day life. So if it gets in the way of your work and eating and so on.

    But playing video games is also a good thing because it improves hand eye coordination, problem solving and increases imagination. So long as you don't let it take over your life it can be a positive and healthy pastime.

    I play video games every day as it's my career. It's something I enjoy and I don't have to go out to work so it's the best of both worlds for me.

  • I don't play video games myself but my grandchildren love to. One of my grandkids plays a game called league and my eldest granddaughter plays the sims. I watch them play and they seem to lose themselves in the world of games. Not my cup of tea but it would be boring if we were all the same Slight smile

  • if it becomes more of a problem with partner then suggest getting a second computer for them, a gaming headset, and play together online, in the same room. Communicate via Discord Joy

    Update: just to be clear I am joking!!!

  • Yeah I think its gaming and YouTube for me.  I am currently very into Sekiro, Fortnight, Halo infinite, animal crossing 

  • Minesweeper maybe?

    I did work with someone who managed to do every single possibility of Freecell - all during work time of course.

  • i really hope it is the windows pre-installed solitaire...

  • I can definitely relate to you.  It is a good way to process things and concentrate on a task separated from your every day life. If I become anxious it can be a good way to take my mind off things.  I used to game a lot during school week and weekends due to problems at school.  I think its pretty smart to keep it the weekends though as I put things off until the last minute.

  • i had a spurt of gaming in november and december, not so much now as i am designing my own board game.

    when i played last year i kept it to 8pm-9pm on the weeknights that i did play. i had a rule not to play during the daytime on weekends because then i would be 'wasting the daylight', which i found worked well for me.

  • I used to do that when I lived on my own - preferred to play games than watch TV.  These days not so much and my wife would not be as forgiving as your partner.

    What game are you currently playing?

  • Some good feedback thank you.  I do love it and I do know it can impact others.  I try to be mindful of it and give time to my partner.

  • I only really have time to play games on the week ends cause of school but when I do play it's a great way to forget all the things going on so I get lost in them and can spend hours just playing. My mum usually comes in and tells me to take a break in the end.

  • Playign computer games is addictive for sure and time just disappears. Is it a good or bad thing? I mean, it depends. Is it affecting your relationship, your sleep, your physical wellbeing? If your partner is getting upset because you aren['t spending time with them, if you are playing it just before bed so getting blue light and excitement and then your sleep quality is poor, and/or if you are doing this at the expense of physical exercise, house chores, personal hygiene, some form of socialising, then yes it probably is bad. But we don't know what the counterfactual is - if you did less of this would your mental health deteriorate because this is your crutch in life? I can't give you an answer but hopefully some key things to consider.