Asd/Asperger’s, daughter

  • My 18 year old daughter has recently been diagnosed with asd/Asperger’s. She has been out of education since year 10 after struggling all through high school. She was suffering with really bad anxiety which then led to complex regional pain syndrome/ chronic pain syndrome, she also has poly cystic ovarys which apparently is all connected. We are really struggling on where to go or what to do for advice on money, education and general help on getting her out into the world.  She ideally would love a little job and stick to going to college which she started in September but anxiety is putting a stop to all of that . Any advice on who to speak to or where to go would be really appreciated. 
  • Hi NAS77086,

    I would suggest you have a look at some of the advice pages here on the NAS site which might be relevant to several of the topics you mention. The advice hub is here - - and has information on seeking employment, mental health including anxiety, and education. I would also suggest you speak to your GP or whoever referred your daughter for an ASD assessment about getting referred for mental health treatment.

    Hope this is of some help,
    Ross - mod