Hii ^-^

Hey I'm Lolly. I'm 23 and have autism and a few other things which drs felt I might have, not sure I agree with a lot of it but it's okay. They did try to give me pills and therapeutic sessions but there was no way I was ever doing any of that. I don't like going out and pills always give me bad tummy ache. I haven't left the house for 2 years now, nearly 3. My mum and dad don't like it and are always telling me I should go out and get some fresh air. But I have bad anxiety and get panic attacks, last time I went out I had a really bad one, thought I was going to die. So I haven't been out since and I don't intend to ever again. I'm happy inside my room, it's my safe space and I feel happy and safe in there. I have my toys and have so many movies to watch, I've also been checking out MI High on iPlayer which is one of my favourite TV series ever! Lol I could watch it forever, and probably will. I thought I'd come here because though my mum and dad are amazing and supportive they don't really understand me. They try to put a lot of pressure on me and that makes me stressed and anxious. I also feel lonely, I have no friends or anyone else to talk to, definitely no one who understands me. 

So hello I hope we can be friends. ^-^

  • Hi Lolly! I'm Cookie 24yrs old, literally reading what you wrote makes so much sense, I completely get what your saying, I also haven't been out for over 2nyears and am very much in a similar situatThumbsupion, always here if you need a chat or just to vent. I imagine the community will be also. WELCOME ThumbsupWave 

  • Thank you cookies (great name by the way)

    I hope your ok. I know being in this situation can be hard and lonely sometimes.

    Thanks I'm always here if you need to chat as well.

    Or vent Slight smile

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