advice on finding a suitable job

I'm 20 years old and diagnosed with ASD and really struggling to find a job that is suitable for me, I have been to countless interviews and got jobs but struggled to cope with the busy environment and end up quitting. I tried being self employed and had my own business for a while but I closed it due to not being able to manage as I get to stressed out easily and I don't have any support. And I'm now looking again at getting a job 

Has anyone got any advice or guidance on finding a job that will support me into employment with my ASD?

  • Your local jobcentre should have a Disability Employment advisor who should be able to redirect you to certain employment schemes and support. 

    If you request a needs assessment they could put you In touch with your local authority's employment team which is something quite new and not everywhere has them yet. They basically are a division of adult social services who work with clients with a health care plan to assist individuals with mental health, autism,ADHD and other disabilities into work. They will set up work experience and make sure your not being exploited and assist with other ways of getting you employed by advocating and communicating with business and possible employers often helping individuals to overcome difficulties such as interviews, sustaining employment and overlooking trail periods so your not discriminated against if your disability has required time off. 

  • Your local jobcentre should have a Disability Employment advisor who should be able to redirect you to certain employment schemes and support. 

    If you request a needs assessment they could put you In touch with your local authority's employment team which is something quite new and not everywhere has them yet. They basically are a division of adult social services who work with clients with a health care plan to assist individuals with mental health, autism,ADHD and other disabilities into work. They will set up work experience and make sure your not being exploited and assist with other ways of getting you employed by advocating and communicating with business and possible employers often helping individuals to overcome difficulties such as interviews, sustaining employment and overlooking trail periods so your not discriminated against if your disability has required time off. 

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