Hello! Any advice for undiagnosed adult?


So, my story is that someone close to me pointed out the possibility I'm on the ADS and I took a questionnaire type of assessment test.

When I worked through the test I immediately recognised where it was going and I could even predict the questions.  My score was reasonably high.

Looking back into my personal history, this answers a lot of questions. 

Social situations can be very hard, small talk is uncomfortable to say the least.  I'm OK conversing with maybe 2 people (maximum) if it's about a subject I really understand, if conversation drifts into something else I realise I've lost it, I'm out of my depth.  I've realised that small talk isn't wholly verbal and I don't naturally pick up on the emotion, the part you can't hear.  I had a previous partner and I could sometimes realise that person was upset because there were tears and making loud noises, but up until that point I had no clue.  That person could have been upset for hours, perhaps it was simmering for weeks, but I didn't see it.  I exhibit lots of other classic signs.

I mask the signs well enough that nobody is aware (as far as I know) and I probably just come across as rude, quiet and antisocial.

I haven't had a diagnosis because I'm not sure it would help me.  I think I know without the diagnosis and it helps explain my experiences, but it doesn't really make me feel any better about it.  If I did have a diagnosis I suppose I could tell people?, but would this help, and it certainly wouldn't change the way I acted.

Writing this to an audience that understands does actually make me feel better. Slight smile

  • I think it’s quite OK to self diagnose. I think if you know, you know.

    I expect you’ve already read multiple posts here, and though that you could have written it yourself, word for word.

    Some people prefer a definitive diagnosis. I am one of those. Then it will become a fact, and I am all about facts. I think it will help me, because ‘I’ll know’. I’ll have an answer for why my life is what it is. I will also tell people. Why wouldn’t I? It’s me. I won’t be embarrassed. I might then seek out some support tailored my deficits.

  • I think it’s quite OK to self diagnose. I think if you know, you know.

    I expect you’ve already read multiple posts here, and though that you could have written it yourself, word for word.

    Some people prefer a definitive diagnosis. I am one of those. Then it will become a fact, and I am all about facts. I think it will help me, because ‘I’ll know’. I’ll have an answer for why my life is what it is. I will also tell people. Why wouldn’t I? It’s me. I won’t be embarrassed. I might then seek out some support tailored my deficits.
