
Hello, just want to introduce myself to the forum and I have joined the forum so I can help give advice to others.

I am also autistic and I volunteer for the NAS branch in Blackpool Slight smile

Thanks Thomas

  • The jesticers nice but your probably wasting time donating money to this site. The site doesn't exsactly give anyone who's ASD help in general. Were left to fend and help our selves. I find it ironic as an ASD myself that this site asks for donations and money as it's the biggest scam yet.  Rofl

  • The jesticers nice but your probably wasting time donating money to this site. The site doesn't exsactly give anyone who's ASD help in general. Were left to fend and help our selves. I find it ironic as an ASD myself that this site asks for donations and money as it's the biggest scam yet.  Rofl

  • Hello, it is not about donating to this website, it is about donating to NAS on justgiving, then NAS would give the donations to the local branch I help run. However it is more of knowing if the justgiving links is allowed to be posted on here to start with.

    As some who as Autism aswell, I am also hesitent of giving money directy to NAS, or any other charity for that matter as you do not know if the donations are going to fund for example, help fund any branch.

    The "only" charities I would call a scam are the likes of band aid, or children in needs, where the celebrities get together, but you never see them donating.

  • You are looking for something which no website can deliver and it's grossly unfair to call this a scam.  I have replied in detail to another of your posts giving what I hope is practical help - something which has given me  life-changing assistance.  But saying this site doesn't help you in the way you want is like buying a car and complaining it doesn't fly.  The site doesn't claim to deliver the things you seem to expect.  I have found it supportive and helpful to chat here with other people on the spectrum and to learn from their experience but if that's not for you, please check out the practical suggestion I made in reply to your other post.  Wishing you well.  

  • They never said they were donating? They said volunteering.

    I've replied to you a few times, but you do realise you can just leave the site, right? You don't have to be here if you don't like it. It helps a lot of people here.