Getting my 1st tattoo as an A Typical

Posting this to see if any other A typicals have ink and how you found the exsperiance as I'm a little bit nervous not gona lie. Going for some Norse mythology and getting the AWE protection rune along with the 9 pointed triangle of the 9 realms of Valhalla along with the tree of life and the all knowing and all wise ravens. Bit nervous about the process as being an A Typical myself my mind always go to worse case saniorios and I always over think the prosiger. The pain is really the least of my worries my main concern is if they go deep or catch vane which is kind of ironic coming from someone who self harms. But then again that's my reason for getting it to prevent me from self harming in the future. Any advice would be useful besides don't get one I guess.

  • Yes, my advice is don't do that to your skin. It's an abhorrent practice. Why would you want to deliberately mutilate the largest organ of the body? Would you pierce and ink any other organ?

    Your skin is not only the largest organ of the body, it's also the moat complex and most sensitive organ with the hardest job: providing you with a protective layer, keeping your body safe. Little dd it know the biggest threat would come from irresponsible and idiotic actions of the person its protecting! I hear people say they want to feel like an individual... and the irony is that they all end up looking the same—common, and scruffy.

    If you like Norse mythology, buy a poster, or some rune stones, just don't engrave your skin.

  • You know, when I wanted to have my first tattoo, I decided to have a really small one. I just wanted to know how it would feel and look in the end. So, my first tattoo was one of the Iranian Tattoos, which meant “a warrior who never gives up.” I have it on my leg. Then I had another one and another one. Eventually, I have my legs and one arm completely tattooed. None of my veins have been injured because I chose a reliable specialist. So, I have some advice for you: try something small first and find an expensive reliable specialist.

  • You know, when I wanted to have my first tattoo, I decided to have a really small one. I just wanted to know how it would feel and look in the end. So, my first tattoo was one of the Iranian Tattoos, which meant “a warrior who never gives up.” I have it on my leg. Then I had another one and another one. Eventually, I have my legs and one arm completely tattooed. None of my veins have been injured because I chose a reliable specialist. So, I have some advice for you: try something small first and find an expensive reliable specialist.

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