Getting my 1st tattoo as an A Typical

Posting this to see if any other A typicals have ink and how you found the exsperiance as I'm a little bit nervous not gona lie. Going for some Norse mythology and getting the AWE protection rune along with the 9 pointed triangle of the 9 realms of Valhalla along with the tree of life and the all knowing and all wise ravens. Bit nervous about the process as being an A Typical myself my mind always go to worse case saniorios and I always over think the prosiger. The pain is really the least of my worries my main concern is if they go deep or catch vane which is kind of ironic coming from someone who self harms. But then again that's my reason for getting it to prevent me from self harming in the future. Any advice would be useful besides don't get one I guess.

  • I like tattoos some of them are really nice like works of art. I personally wouldn't get one because I'm to much of a baby lol but if I wasn't I'd probably get a butterfly on my arm or a heart ;) 

  • Doesn't hurt as much as you'd think it's kind of therwputic the chizle needel feels the nicest. But it doesn't go in as deep you think barely scrapes the surface. My next session is a full day from 10:30 till 5:30 then I have two more of those to do spread out over a month. 1st one only took 2 hours 

  • A full day? Omg why's it take so long? I have read before that people find it therapeutic but it's always looked really scary to me lol ... How many do you have so far? And how many do you want? :) 

  • I thought it was Gona be like the dentist you know that horrible feeling and sound of the drill as that's what I can't stand but nah it was so much more calming and soothing than I thought. Although I'm bringing headphones along next time but yeah it's not as bad as I built up this is the thing I find frustrating about my autisum and why I can understand why do others too as you always overthinkik and over anlise everything then when you force yourself to get it over with you realise actually it wasn't so bad. It's just about breaking out of that mentality and mind set 

  • That sounds amazing and so pretty I bet there really gorgeous to look at. I'm not sure if I could sit there for that long without having a meltdown but one day I'd like a butterfly or something like that :) or maybe a Tardis lol

  • Depends on the size my 1st one covers my hole four arm but that was a Norse desighn so rune based the only blocky part was the raven but my next one consists of a lot more shading and detail. Coi fish and dragons so lots of scales bamboo leaves and lotus blossoms that kind of stuff 

  • Depends on the size my 1st one covers my hole four arm but that was a Norse desighn so rune based the only blocky part was the raven but my next one consists of a lot more shading and detail. Coi fish and dragons so lots of scales bamboo leaves and lotus blossoms that kind of stuff 

  • I thought it was Gona be like the dentist you know that horrible feeling and sound of the drill as that's what I can't stand but nah it was so much more calming and soothing than I thought. Although I'm bringing headphones along next time but yeah it's not as bad as I built up this is the thing I find frustrating about my autisum and why I can understand why do others too as you always overthinkik and over anlise everything then when you force yourself to get it over with you realise actually it wasn't so bad. It's just about breaking out of that mentality and mind set 

  • That sounds amazing and so pretty I bet there really gorgeous to look at. I'm not sure if I could sit there for that long without having a meltdown but one day I'd like a butterfly or something like that :) or maybe a Tardis lol