
Hi there,

i thought I’d pop in and say hello to everyone. Hello. 

Initially I thought this was a community for those who were confirmed with ASD but I was wrong. 

Earlier this year I had, I think, a breakdown. I felt stressed with work, I hated it, I found myself verbally lashing out at people, my mood like a yo-yo to the point that I was referred to healthy minds who referred me onto my local CMHT.

Initially, I was informed that I could be suffering with bi-polar, borderline personality disorder or both. I was asked to complete a mood diary which after 2 days I found I couldn’t focus on it and found it difficult so didn’t do it.

Recently I’ve had a second appointment with CMHT where the consultant read my notes from the previous assessment and a letter I sent and she said that reading through the history her indication would be ASD and asked me to complete a 50 questionnaire. 

My little brother was confirmed to be on the spectrum and since that my mom did suspect the same for me, growing up in the 90s was a different time compared to more recent times so I had no assessments etc as a child, as we shared similar traits.

So I sent my questionnaire back last week and I suppose I just wait now. I’m told it could take up to 2 years to be assessed so I guess I’ve just gotta wait it out now…

Anyway, Im having a difficult time at the moment in life and I’m finding it hard to talk to anyone on how I’m feeling. I feel low, tired (even if I sleep for a solid 8 hours), and getting annoyed over small things.

Nothing I do is giving me any pleasure and I just get bored real quick. I could start to watch TV but after 10 minutes I’ve lost interest. I find it hard to be people, and can’t keep a conversation going so I’ve no friends. I suppose I feel lost in life .

I’m sorry for the loooong introduction and waffling on about me. How are you? Did you have a good Monday? 

  • So I sent my questionnaire back last week and I suppose I just wait now.


    You don't need a formal diagnosis to benefit from knowing you are autistic.

    While you wait I suggest you read up on autistic peoples experiences to see which traits ring a bell with you, and so possibly figure out how you can improve your situation going forward (ie: working around the stuff you find difficult).

    You can read posts on this site, but there are also many blogs, youtube vids etc.

    Of course, feel free to post your own experiences here and ask questions. It can be most enlightening.

  • So I sent my questionnaire back last week and I suppose I just wait now.


    You don't need a formal diagnosis to benefit from knowing you are autistic.

    While you wait I suggest you read up on autistic peoples experiences to see which traits ring a bell with you, and so possibly figure out how you can improve your situation going forward (ie: working around the stuff you find difficult).

    You can read posts on this site, but there are also many blogs, youtube vids etc.

    Of course, feel free to post your own experiences here and ask questions. It can be most enlightening.

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