Who Am I?

Hello everyone,

Today I received an autism diagnosis.  I am in my mid fifties.  I had suspected that I may be autistic for many years, but never pursued a diagnosis because I didn't think that anyone would believe me.  I'm not sure that I believed me.

This is just a quick hello.  I hope to join in more fully in time.  I need to get my head around what a diagnosis means for me and this is day one.  I hope that it will help me stop trying to fit in - because, quite frankly, that's been a disaster!

A brief intro - I'm a software developer, I love cats (and most things on four legs), sci-fi, ambient music, physics, astronomy and philosophy.  I am rather too fond of cheese.

I hope you're all doing well on this fine evening.

  • Hello, Sea-boy. Congratulations on and félicitations for your diagnosis. Welcome to the forum and welcome home to your Tribe. I'm late 40's, and there are men and women of all ages and walks of life on here; all of them with interesting insights, outlooks and life experiences to share.

    I have a deep-seated aversion to cats I'm afraid. They are one of my autistic black-and-white things. I really really really like dogs, but really really really don't like cats. As for cheese and sci-fi—both are okay in small amounts! 

  • Hello, Sea-boy. Congratulations on and félicitations for your diagnosis. Welcome to the forum and welcome home to your Tribe. I'm late 40's, and there are men and women of all ages and walks of life on here; all of them with interesting insights, outlooks and life experiences to share.

    I have a deep-seated aversion to cats I'm afraid. They are one of my autistic black-and-white things. I really really really like dogs, but really really really don't like cats. As for cheese and sci-fi—both are okay in small amounts! 

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