Who Am I?

Hello everyone,

Today I received an autism diagnosis.  I am in my mid fifties.  I had suspected that I may be autistic for many years, but never pursued a diagnosis because I didn't think that anyone would believe me.  I'm not sure that I believed me.

This is just a quick hello.  I hope to join in more fully in time.  I need to get my head around what a diagnosis means for me and this is day one.  I hope that it will help me stop trying to fit in - because, quite frankly, that's been a disaster!

A brief intro - I'm a software developer, I love cats (and most things on four legs), sci-fi, ambient music, physics, astronomy and philosophy.  I am rather too fond of cheese.

I hope you're all doing well on this fine evening.

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  • Thanks for the welcome.  Two questions that require some thought, and one easy one!

    Constellation wise, today I'm going for Cassiopeia.  I've always liked it's angular shape, and it's a great way to locate the milky way.

    Cheese-wise, hmmmm.  I've got some smoked Gruyère in the fridge that I'm really liking at the moment.

    I've always had cats, and at the moment I have one: Jimmy.  He's a very large black and white tom with the sweetest nature.

    Do you have cats, cheese or stars?