Support thread for those of us with partners/spouses with ASC-all welcome

Hello. I've been chatting to some ladies on here who are struggling in their relationships with partners who have Aspergers or high function Autism and I've noticed there seems to be a need for support. I am in the same situation and my partner and I have a little boy aged 5, who is also on the spectrum. Life has been very tough for a few years, but my partner and I have just started counselling.

I am hoping some others will hop on board so we can all share info and experience and support each other.

I haven't intended it to be exclusively for ladies by the way.

Love Rosemary xx

  • Hi Guys

    I just hate thinking back to all those years of upset and anger and frustration when if you just knew so much of that could have been avoided. It is the language and communication problems that i struggle with too Rosemary. I talk a lot when i'm with friends and the girls at work and i think it's because i don't do much at home. I must admit though he is trying to make an effort now. It's still very hard.

    Can i ask a question??? Have your other half's had an official diagnosis, as in via qualified people (psychologists) or was it via the G.P? You know the saying "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck" (or something like that) It was by chance that Aspergers was mentioned as a reason for my hubby being as he is. I was at my wits end. When i looked into extensively and he did the tests, visited the G.P etc etc all pointers were towards Aspergers. He even admitted he wasn't doing things on purpose and when i pointed things out he can't explain it. If i didn't point things out he wouldn't have a clue about lots of things and how he is. I just feel that obviously i haven't told you everything about my day to day life but it may appear to some that it is just my hubby's personality rather than Aspergers. Yet he admits he can't help it and seems so disconnected to so much a lot of the time. I actually asked him a while back during one of my going round the bend times and while very upset if he was purposely hurting me and at times driving me insane and he said he wasn't and something in his brain didn't feel right. This was about 5 years ago he said this. Obviously i didn't think about anything then i thought it was just excuses, that he was miserable and lazy and had no interest in me or anything. He even suggested going to the G.P to tell them about his brain feeling differently wired but i didn't take him up on it and of course he didn't bother to do anything about it. The upsets and frustration, usually about the same things has gone on years. Sorry to ramble on. I know what i'm trying to say but it won't come out. Hope you can get what i'm saying xx

  • Hi Guys

    I just hate thinking back to all those years of upset and anger and frustration when if you just knew so much of that could have been avoided. It is the language and communication problems that i struggle with too Rosemary. I talk a lot when i'm with friends and the girls at work and i think it's because i don't do much at home. I must admit though he is trying to make an effort now. It's still very hard.

    Can i ask a question??? Have your other half's had an official diagnosis, as in via qualified people (psychologists) or was it via the G.P? You know the saying "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck" (or something like that) It was by chance that Aspergers was mentioned as a reason for my hubby being as he is. I was at my wits end. When i looked into extensively and he did the tests, visited the G.P etc etc all pointers were towards Aspergers. He even admitted he wasn't doing things on purpose and when i pointed things out he can't explain it. If i didn't point things out he wouldn't have a clue about lots of things and how he is. I just feel that obviously i haven't told you everything about my day to day life but it may appear to some that it is just my hubby's personality rather than Aspergers. Yet he admits he can't help it and seems so disconnected to so much a lot of the time. I actually asked him a while back during one of my going round the bend times and while very upset if he was purposely hurting me and at times driving me insane and he said he wasn't and something in his brain didn't feel right. This was about 5 years ago he said this. Obviously i didn't think about anything then i thought it was just excuses, that he was miserable and lazy and had no interest in me or anything. He even suggested going to the G.P to tell them about his brain feeling differently wired but i didn't take him up on it and of course he didn't bother to do anything about it. The upsets and frustration, usually about the same things has gone on years. Sorry to ramble on. I know what i'm trying to say but it won't come out. Hope you can get what i'm saying xx

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