Newbie & relationships

Hi I am Rearna, 22 years old from Manchester recently on the 22nd of May 2021 I was diagnosed with autism. I never really knew something was right until I got in to my working life, I was also diagnosed with dislexia in college. I am finding it hard to come to terms with myself being autistic and I struggle when it comes to relationships and always get too emotionally attached pretty quickly which leads me to vulnerability and being guilable is there anything that anyone can help me with to understand why and what I can do to stop this from happening? 

  • Hi Rearna, when I was young this happened to me every time - I'd be planning my life together with the wonderful person from the first meeting! It's now ten years since that last happened, simply because I've got too old, so I can't offer any clues on how to stop it, but perhaps some advice on how to feel better about it.

    When you love somebody it feels wonderful, and it is the love coming through you that makes you feel good. Getting a broken heart later never stopped me loving a new person and thus feeling good again. Over the years I think having all this internal love made me a better person, more compassionate with everybody. This in turn led to me becoming attractive to more thoughtful people, not just the users. So my advice would be not to stop loving, but in these days of HIV etc perhaps be careful about not leaping into bed too soon. Anybody who is really interested will wait a bit and anybody pushing you too fast is not worth having in the long run.

    Good luck!

  • Hi Rearna, when I was young this happened to me every time - I'd be planning my life together with the wonderful person from the first meeting! It's now ten years since that last happened, simply because I've got too old, so I can't offer any clues on how to stop it, but perhaps some advice on how to feel better about it.

    When you love somebody it feels wonderful, and it is the love coming through you that makes you feel good. Getting a broken heart later never stopped me loving a new person and thus feeling good again. Over the years I think having all this internal love made me a better person, more compassionate with everybody. This in turn led to me becoming attractive to more thoughtful people, not just the users. So my advice would be not to stop loving, but in these days of HIV etc perhaps be careful about not leaping into bed too soon. Anybody who is really interested will wait a bit and anybody pushing you too fast is not worth having in the long run.

    Good luck!

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