
I want to educate my teenage son in how to set off fireworks responsibly, in a way that registers for him. Watching YouTube videos isn't cutting it. He gets so excited he forgets about his own safety and the younger kids around him

  • I'd recommend not doing that - things can go wrong so easily - it's better he be a bit frustrated than injured..      

    About 15 years ago, I got hit by a firework - a Roman Candle - it had not been set into the ground properly so after firing the first round, the recoil bounced it out of the ground and it fell over - and the second shot hit me on the collar - it was about 40' away - but it was so fast I had no time to move,    

    The burning flare gave me a deep burn about the size of my hand at the base of my neck - the flesh had been vaporised - and then it melted the synthetic top I was wearing and rolled down the inside and stopped at my belly button where it got stuck and gave me another nasty burn on the stomach before I managed to get it out.

    It hurt like a biatch!   Every time I moved my shoulder or head, the wound opened up.   Cost me a week off work.

    They were undecided if I needed skin grafts - I chose not to have them because of the mobility problems that thick scar tissue causes.

    The wound eventually healed ok - but it's still clearly visible.    It could have been much, much worse - I didn't lose an eye or something - and it didn't hit any of the children present..

    I've been off fireworks ever since - I only go to large, well organised public displays.

  • Do it 1 on 1 maybe draw the steps to show him how to do it